- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
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- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
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- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
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- LOD Components (LOD)
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- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
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- Web Channel (WEC)
Integration with Global Trade Services (SLL-ITR-INT-GTS)
ID: /SAPSLL/ER91000651
T-Code | Description | Tables |
/SAPSLL/ALRGDA_DSPR3 | Display Pref. Agreement Determin. | 1 |
/SAPSLL/APLMAS_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial Transfer of Applicants | 68 |
/SAPSLL/BANMAS_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial Transfer of Banks | 69 |
/SAPSLL/BL_DOC_MM_R3 | GTS: LCI: Blocked MM Docmts | 57 |
/SAPSLL/BL_DOC_RS_R3 | GTS: Res: Blocked SD Documents | 56 |
/SAPSLL/BL_DOC_SD_R3 | Display Blocked Export Documents | 56 |
/SAPSLL/BOMMAT_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial BOM Transfer | 74 |
/SAPSLL/BWHIDP_R3 | Initial Transfer of Duty-Paid Stock | 84 |
/SAPSLL/CPMAS_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial Transf. of Cont.Persons | 68 |
/SAPSLL/CREMAS_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial Transfer - Suppliers | 68 |
/SAPSLL/CUS_EXPM_R3 | SAP GTS: Export Monitor | 71 |
/SAPSLL/CUS_INV_R3 | GTS: Shipment Consolidation | 9 |
/SAPSLL/CUS_TRSM_R3 | SAP GTS: Transit Monitor | 11 |
/SAPSLL/DEBMAS_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial Transfer - Customers | 68 |
/SAPSLL/DOC_REPR_R3 | Reprocess Documents for SAP GTS | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_D_MM0A_R3 | GTS: Transfer MM Purch. Ord. to GTS | 77 |
/SAPSLL/DS_D_MM0B_R3 | GTS: Transfer MM Deliveries to GTS | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_D_MM0C_R3 | GTS: Initial Transfer of GR to GTS | 73 |
/SAPSLL/DS_D_SD0A_R3 | GTS: Transfer SD Orders to GTS | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_D_SD0B_R3 | GTS: Transfer SD Deliveries to GTS | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_D_SD0C_R3 | GTS: Transfer SD Billing Docs to GTS | 77 |
/SAPSLL/DS_I_MM0A_R3 | GTS: Purchase Order Object Index | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_I_MM0B_R3 | GTS: Object Index Inbound Deliveries | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_I_RORG_R3 | GTS: Reorganize Object Index | 55 |
/SAPSLL/DS_I_SD0A_R3 | GTS: Order Object Index | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_I_SD0B_R3 | GTS: Delivery Object Index | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_P_FLON_R3 | Reporting for Follow-On Functions | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_P_MM0A_R3 | GTS: Follow-On Funct.: MM Purch.Ord. | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_P_MM0B_R3 | GTS: Follow-On Funct.: Inbound Del. | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_P_RCVY_R3 | Reporting for Recovery Index | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_P_SD0A_R3 | GTS: Follow-On Function: SD Order | 75 |
/SAPSLL/DS_P_SD0B_R3 | GTS: Follow-On Funct.: SD Outb.Del. | 75 |
/SAPSLL/FTZ_MIG_R3 | Transfer FTZ migration stock | 3 |
/SAPSLL/IS_MM | Intrastat: Transfer Receipts | 45 |
/SAPSLL/IS_SD | Intrastat: Transfer Dispatches | 17 |
/SAPSLL/IS_SD_IB | Transfer Intercompany Bill. Receipts | 19 |
/SAPSLL/KMATBOM_DIR3 | Transfer of Configurable Materials | 70 |
/SAPSLL/KMATWLR3_03 | GTS: Display and Transfer KMAT WL | 7 |
/SAPSLL/KMATWLR3_DEL | GTS: Delete KMAT Worklist | 70 |
/SAPSLL/MATMAS_DIRR3 | GTS: Initial Transfer of Products | 68 |
/SAPSLL/MD_CHG_PTRR3 | Transfer of changed master data | 1 |
/SAPSLL/MINMAX_DIRR3 | GTS:Transfer of Min/Max Mat. Prices | 4 |
/SAPSLL/PRCMAT_DIRR3 | Initial Transfer: Material Price | 69 |
/SAPSLL/PREF_AGR_R3 | Replicate Pref. Agreement Determin. | 56 |
/SAPSLL/PRPARC_DIRR3 | Initial Transfer: Supplier Material | 69 |
/SAPSLL/PRPARV_DIRR3 | Initial Transfer: Supplier Material | 69 |
/SAPSLL/PSD_INIT_R3 | Perform Init. Transf. of Procmt Ind. | 70 |
/SAPSLL/RES_INV_R3 | GTS: Create Restitution Invoice | 19 |
/SAPSLL/SAKE_DLV_MON | Inbound Deliveries in Storage | 3 |
/SAPSLL/SAKE_XMON_R3 | Manually Process Temporary Storage | 3 |
/SAPSLL/SD0C_RIMAR3 | GTS: Transfer Bill. Docs to Risk Mgt | 77 |
/SAPSLL/23000407 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000408 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000414 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000415 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000416 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000417 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000418 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000419 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000420 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000421 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000422 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000423 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000495 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000496 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/23000504 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000118 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000159 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000162 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000163 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000164 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000165 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000167 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000169 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000171 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000172 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000187 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000290 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/36000291 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/40000235 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/40000482 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/40000802 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/40000803 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/40000805 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/52000125 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/52000130 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/52002167 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/52002383 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/52002954 | IMG Activity /SAPSLL/CBTTMAIN | 0 |
/SAPSLL/52002956 | IMG Activity /SAPSLL/CBTTDEF | 0 |
/SAPSLL/67000001 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/83000001 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/83000002 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000019 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000020 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000021 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000022 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000023 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000024 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000025 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000026 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000027 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000071 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000072 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000073 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000074 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000075 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000076 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000077 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000078 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000079 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/91000080 | - | 0 |
/SAPSLL/CUDC_STAT_R3 | Display Status of Customs Declar. | 0 |
/SAPSLL/IS_MM_RET | Transfer MM Dispatches - OBSOLETE | 0 |
/SAPSLL/MD_DS_LOG_R3 | Logs for Changed Master Data | 0 |
/SAPSLL/MENU_CUS_R3 | GTS: Menu: Basis Customizing | 0 |
/SAPSLL/MENU_LEGALR3 | GTS: Global Trade Services Area Menu | 0 |
/SAPSLL/PERTMVAR_R3 | GTS: Period. Transfer: Variant | 0 |
/SAPSLL/SAKE_LOG_DIS | Display Error Logs | 0 |
/SAPSLL/SAKE_MTH_R3 | Choose Method for Temporary Storage | 0 |
/SAPSLL/T000_R3 | GTS: Assign Logical System | 0 |
/SAPSLL/TBDLS_R3 | GTS: Define Logical System | 0 |
/SAPSLL/TECOR3 | Assignment of Custms ID to Plnt/SLoc | 0 |
/SAPSLL/TIVDR3 | GTS: Ctrl f. Vend.-Based VD Worklist | 0 |
/SAPSLL/TLER3 | GTS: Call Global Trade Services | 0 |
/SAPSLL/TLER3B | GTS: Call GTS: Document Types | 0 |
/SAPSLL/TLER3_B_R3 | GTS: Control: Call GTS | 0 |