- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Material Maintenance (SD-MD-MM)
ID: HLA0006859
T-Code | Description | Tables |
OV50 | Comparison of master data for cust. | 12 |
OV51 | Display of Changes for Customer | 33 |
OVB3 | Rebate: Reorganiz. of Billing Index | 28 |
OVK1 | C SD Table V_TST "Tax Catg./Country" | 4 |
OVK9 | Tax Records for Each Country | 3 |
OVS0 | C SD Matchcodes Product Proposals | 7 |
OVS1 | SD Matchcodes Materials | 7 |
OVS2 | C SD Matchcodes Customers | 7 |
OVS3 | C SD matchcode for contact person | 7 |
OVS4 | C SD Matchcodes Supplier | 7 |
OVS5 | C SD Matchcodes Sales Personnel | 7 |
OVSI | C SD View V_T189 "Price List Type" | 4 |
OVT0 | C SD Table 077D "Accnt Grp Customer" | 4 |
OVT4 | C SD Valuation Classes Materials | 4 |
OVX2 | Business area->Plant/Division | 8 |
OVX3 | Company code -> Sales organization | 10 |
OVX6 | Plants->Sales org./distr.channel | 15 |
OVX8 | Check Report Organization Sales | 23 |
OVX8N | Check Report Organization Sales | 23 |
OVXA | Division -> Sales organization | 12 |
OVXC | Shipping point -> Plant | 12 |
OVXG | Define sales areas | 14 |
OVXJ | Sales group -> Sales office | 10 |
OVXK | Distrib.channels->Sales organiz. | 10 |
OVXM | Sales office -> Sales area | 17 |
OVXN | C RV Tab. VKN | 4 |
SSCUI_TD | Text determination | 2 |
VCHECKBONUS | Customizing Checks for Rebate | 3 |
VCHECKT683 | Customizing Check Pricing Procedure | 4 |
VCHECKT685A | Customizing Check Condition Types | 3 |
VCHECKTVCPF | Customizing Check Copying Control | 3 |
VCHECKVOFA | Customizing Check Billing Types | 1 |
VKVI | General View Maintenance - W.Qualif. | 1 |
VOP2_OLD | Configuration: Partner | 32 |
EC21 | IMG Activity:Define Shipping Point | 0 |
EC22 | IMG Activity:Configure SAP EWM-Speci | 0 |
EC23 | IMG Activity: Define Delivery Types | 0 |
EC24 | IMG Activity: Define Warehouse Numbe | 0 |
OLS1 | Customizing for Rebates | 0 |
OV-0 | View V_TVP0, Attribute 10 | 0 |
OV-1 | View V_TVPH, Attribute 1 | 0 |
OV-2 | View V_TVP2, Attribute 2 | 0 |
OV-3 | View V_TVP3, Attribute 3 | 0 |
OV-4 | View V_TVP4, Attribute 4 | 0 |
OV-5 | View V_TVP5, Attribute 5 | 0 |
OV-6 | View V_TVP6, Attribute 6 | 0 |
OV-7 | View V_TVP7, Attribute 7 | 0 |
OV-8 | View V_TVP8, Attribute 8 | 0 |
OV-9 | View V_TVP9, Attribute 9 | 0 |
OV01 | Access Sequence: Matl Listng/Exclsn | 0 |
OV02 | Condition Type: Listing/Exclusion | 0 |
OV03 | Procedure: Listing/Exclusion | 0 |
OV11 | Access Sequence: Matl Determination | 0 |
OV14 | C SD Tab. TVAK "MaterialSub" | 0 |
OV35 | C RV View V_T683S_EL | 0 |
OV41 | Access sequences: Cross-selling | 0 |
OV67 | Rec. account det.: Access sequences | 0 |
OV74 | Cash account det.: Access sequences | 0 |
OV84 | Credit card acc. det: Acc. sequences | 0 |
OV94 | COPA project: Access sequences | 0 |
OVAK | Sales Order Type Assignment | 0 |
OVAM | C SD View TVKOV_AU DistChanDoc.Types | 0 |
OVAN | C SD View TVKOS_AU "Div.Doc.Types" | 0 |
OVAO | C SD View TVKO_AU "SlsOrgDoc.Types" | 0 |
OVB0 | Change "Billing: Document Types" | 0 |
OVB1 | Sales Organizations - Rebate | 0 |
OVBF | Conditions: View sequence A,V,SDeal | 0 |
OVBH | Conditions: View sequence A,V, Price | 0 |
OVCW | C RV View V_TVKO_COM "Competit/TVKO | 0 |
OVF0 | C SD Table T134G Business Areas | 0 |
OVF1 | C SD Table TVTA Business Areas | 0 |
OVF2 | C SD Table TVTA Business Areas | 0 |
OVK3 | C SD Table TSKD "Cust.Tax Indicator" | 0 |
OVK4 | C SD Table TSKM "Mat.Tax Indicator" | 0 |
OVK6 | C SD Table T001W Plants/Countries | 0 |
OVK7 | C SD Table T459 "Reqt/PlanOrd.Type" | 0 |
OVKB | Tax Record Conditions VK11 | 0 |
OVKC | Tax Record Conditions VK12 | 0 |
OVKD | Tax Record Conditions VK13 | 0 |
OVKE | Tax Record Conditions VK14 | 0 |
OVKJ | C RV Table V_TVAK_PR "Order > Procd | 0 |
OVKK | C RV Table T683V "ProcedrDeterminatn | 0 |
OVKM | C RV Table TVCPA 'Flow Order' | 0 |
OVKN | C RV Table V_TVCPF "Flow Bill Doc | 0 |
OVL7 | Assigning Shipping Point/Ctry/Zone | 0 |
OVLO | C SD Table TVLK Route Control | 0 |
OVLQ | C SD Table TVLK "Picking Control" | 0 |
OVLT | C SD Table TVST "Picking Lists" | 0 |
OVLY | C SD Table Scheduling Control | 0 |
OVLZ | Scheduling by Shipping Point | 0 |
OVR7 | C_RV_Tab. TVIP VIP ID/AP | 0 |
OVRQ | C SD Table TVSU "Substit.Reason" | 0 |
OVRZ | C TV_Table TVST Assign Transprt Zone | 0 |
OVS6 | C SD Table TKUKL "Customer Classif." | 0 |
OVS7 | C SD Tab.TKUPA "PartnerGrp/Customer" | 0 |
OVS8 | Maintain Weight Groups | 0 |
OVS9 | C SD Table T151 "Customer Groups" | 0 |
OVSA | C SD Table T130W "Plant Fld Selec." | 0 |
OVSB | C SD Tab.T176 "Purchase Order Types" | 0 |
OVSC | C SD Table TVWA "GoodsReceivingHrs." | 0 |
OVSD | C SD Tab.TPRIO "Delivery Priorities" | 0 |
OVSF | C SD Table TVSB "Shipping Cond." | 0 |
OVSG | C SD Table TINC "Incoterms" | 0 |
OVSO | C SD Table T137 "Mat.Indust.Fld Sel" | 0 |
OVSU | C SD Table TUMS "Material Status" | 0 |
OVSV | C RV Customizing Product Hierarchy | 0 |
OVSX | C SD Table TLGR | 0 |
OVSY | C SD Table TGR | 0 |
OVSZ | C SD Table Field Sel.Mat.Field Grp. | 0 |
OVT3 | C SD Table 023 "Material Groups" | 0 |
OVTH | C SD Table T079V "Screen Selection" | 0 |
OVU1 | Optimize Access: Revenue Acct Detrmn | 0 |
OVU2 | Condition Type: Optimize Access | 0 |
OVU3 | Condition Type: Optimize Access | 0 |
OVX1 | C RV Tab. VBUR "Sales offices | 0 |
OVX3N | Company code -> Sales organization | 0 |
OVX4 | C RV Tab. VKGR "Sales group | 0 |
OVX5 | C RV Tab. VKO "Sales org. | 0 |
OVX6N | Plants->Sales org./distr.channel | 0 |
OVX7 | Loading points | 0 |
OVXAN | Division -> Sales organization | 0 |
OVXB | Divisions | 0 |
OVXD | Shipping Points | 0 |
OVXGN | Define sales areas | 0 |
OVXI | Distribution channels | 0 |
OVXJN | Sales group -> Sales office | 0 |
OVXKN | Distrib.channels->Sales organiz. | 0 |
OVXMN | Sales office -> Sales area | 0 |
SSCUI_ACC_RAD_MASEQ | Maintain Access Sequences | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_CUST_GROUP1 | Customer group 1 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_CUST_GROUP2 | Customer group 2 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_CUST_GROUP3 | Customer group 3 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_CUST_GROUP4 | Customer group 4 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_CUST_GROUP5 | Customer group 5 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_MAT_GROUP1 | Material Group 1 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_MAT_GROUP2 | Material Group 2 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_MAT_GROUP3 | Material Group 3 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_MAT_GROUP4 | Material Group 4 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_MAT_GROUP5 | Material Group 5 | 0 |
SSCUI_SD_SDTYP_SA | Assign Sales Document Types | 0 |
SSCUI_TD_BILLING_H | Billing Header Text Determination | 0 |
SSCUI_TD_BILLING_I | Text Determination for Billing Item | 0 |
SSCUI_TD_CUST_MASTER | Customer Master Text Determination | 0 |
SSCUI_TD_DELIVERY | Delivery Text Determination | 0 |
SSCUI_TD_SLS_DOC_H | SalesDoc Header Text Determination | 0 |
SSCUI_TD_SLS_DOC_I | SalesDoc Item Text Determination | 0 |
S_EB5_05000414 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000415 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000418 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000143 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000271 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000272 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000750 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000751 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001287 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001288 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001432 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001942 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002292 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002409 | IMG Activity | 0 |
S_KA5_12000253 | - | 0 |
V/10 | Account Determination: Access Seqnc | 0 |
V/30 | Output Types (Sales Document) | 0 |
V/31 | View V_TNAPN Appl V3 | 0 |
V/33 | View V_TNAPN Appl V7 | 0 |
V/34 | Maintain Condition Type Appl V2 | 0 |
V/35 | Customizing for Output Determination | 0 |
V/37 | Assign Customer | 0 |
V/38 | Maintain Condition Type Appl V4 | 0 |
V/39 | View V_TNAPR Appl V6 | 0 |
V/40 | Maintain Condition Type Appl V3 | 0 |
V/41 | View V_TVST_NAC | 0 |
V/43 | View V_TVAK_NAC | 0 |
V/44 | Maintain Condition Type Appl DB | 0 |
V/45 | View V_TNAPN Appl K1 | 0 |
V/46 | Output Determination Procdr Customer | 0 |
V/47 | View V_TNAPN Appl V1 | 0 |
V/76 | Maintain Product Hierarchy | 0 |
VD07 | Ref. doc. det. for ref. customer | 0 |
VMG1 | Create Material Group 1 | 0 |
VMG2 | Create Material Group 2 | 0 |
VMG3 | Create Material Group 3 | 0 |
VMG4 | Create Material Group 4 | 0 |
VMG5 | Create Material Group 5 | 0 |
VOFA | Billing Doc: Document Type | 0 |
VOFC | Billing: Document Types | 0 |
VOFS | Billing: Document Types | 0 |
VOK8 | Condition Exclusion Assign Procdr V | 0 |
VOR1 | Joint Master Data: Distr. Channel | 0 |
VOR2 | Joint Master Data: Division | 0 |
V_TVE1 | Shipping Unit Group 1 | 0 |
V_TVE2 | Shipping Unit Group 2 | 0 |
V_TVE3 | Shipping Unit Group 3 | 0 |
V_TVE4 | Shipping Unit Group 4 | 0 |
V_TVE5 | Shipping Unit Group 5 | 0 |
V_TVV1 | Customer Group 1 | 0 |
V_TVV2 | Customer Group 2 | 0 |
V_TVV3 | Customer Group 3 | 0 |
V_TVV4 | Customer Group 4 | 0 |
V_TVV5 | Customer Group 5 | 0 |