- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Basic Functions (SD-BF)
- Account Determination (SD-BF-ACT)
- Availability Check (SD-BF-AC)
- Credit Management (SD-BF-CM)
- Free Goods (SD-BF-FG)
- Integration of SAP SD with SAP Jam (SD-BF-JAM)
- Material Determination (SD-BF-MD)
- Material Sorting (SD-BF-AS)
- Output Determination (SD-BF-OC)
- Partner determination (SD-BF-PD)
- Pricing and Conditions (SD-BF-PR)
- S/4-Integration of Omnichannel Promotion Pricing Services (SD-BF-OPP)
- Supplier Managed Inventory (SD-BF-SMI)
- Word Processing (SD-BF-TP)
- Billing (SD-BIL)
- Electronic Data Interchange (SD-EDI)
- Foreign Trade (SD-FT)
- Information System (SD-IS)
- Master Data (SD-MD)
- Sales (SD-SLS)
- Sales Analytics (SD-ANA)
- Sales Support (SD-CAS)
- Basic Functions (SD-BF)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Output Determination (SD-BF-OC)
ID: HLA0006565
T-Code | Description | Tables |
CCV2 | Change Output: Document Management | 135 |
CMD1 | Create Output: Direct Procurement | 135 |
CMD2 | Change output: Direct procurement | 135 |
CMD3 | Display Output: Direct Procurement | 135 |
NACQ | WFMC: Maintain Condition Tables | 81 |
NACR | WFMC: Maintain Output Condition Rec. | 135 |
NACT | WFMC: Maintain Condition Types | 1 |
NACU | WFMC: Customizing Output Types | 1 |
NACY | WFMC: Field Catalog | 2 |
NAPRKEY | Print Parameters for Output | 1 |
NAVCT685B | Output Types (Cluster) | 1 |
OVNA | C SD Table T685B | 4 |
OVNB | C SD Tab. TVST Shipping Point Info | 4 |
OVNC | C SD Tab. TNAPR Layouts | 4 |
OVND | C SD Tab TNAPN Output/Part.Function | 4 |
OVNE | C SD Tab. TVKO Sales Org.Information | 4 |
OVNF | C SD Table T685B | 4 |
OVNG | C SD Tab. TVAK Assign Ouput | 4 |
OVNI | C SD Tab. TVLK Assign Output | 4 |
OVNJ | C SD Tab. TVFK Assign Output | 4 |
OVNK | C SD Table 077D Higher-level Output | 4 |
OVNL | C SD Table T685B | 4 |
OVNM | C SD Background job messages | 4 |
OVNO | C SD Table TVKO Form for Sales Off. | 4 |
OVR3 | C SD Tab. Customer Calendar | 4 |
OVR4 | C SD Tab. Billing Schedules | 4 |
PRPBILV | Print Profile Maintnce: Billing Doc. | 2 |
PRPDBILV | Print Profile Maint. EWM BillDocs | 2 |
PRPHUV | Print Profile Maintenance HU | 2 |
PRPR | Parameter transf. to V_LEDRUCKPROF1 | 2 |
PRPSHPV | Print Profile Maintenance Shipping | 2 |
PRPTRAV | Print Profile Maintenance Transport | 2 |
V/56 | Output: Cond.Table - Create Orders | 81 |
V/57 | Output - Cond.Table - Change Order | 81 |
V/58 | Output - Cond.Table - Display Order | 81 |
V/59 | Output - Cond.Table - Create Dlv. | 81 |
V/60 | Output - Cond.Table - Change Dlv. | 81 |
V/61 | Output - Cond.Table - Display Dlv. | 81 |
V/62 | Output - Cond.Table - Create BillDoc | 81 |
V/63 | Output - Cond.Table - Change BillDoc | 81 |
V/64 | Output - Cond.Table - Display BillDc | 81 |
V/65 | Output CondTable/Create SalesSupport | 81 |
V/66 | Output CondTab./Change Sales Support | 81 |
V/67 | Output CondTab/Display Sales Support | 81 |
V/93 | Output -CondTable- Create Packaging | 81 |
V/94 | Output -CondTable- Change Packaging | 81 |
V/95 | Output -CondTable- Display Packaging | 81 |
V/G1 | Output CondTab/Create Group | 81 |
V/G2 | Output CondTab Change Group | 81 |
V/G3 | Output CondTab/Display Group | 81 |
VA71 | Output from Sales Documents | 3 |
VF31 | Output from Billing Documents | 7 |
VKVN | WFMC: | 3 |
VNE1 | Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif. | 81 |
VNE2 | Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif. | 81 |
VNEA | Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough GR | 81 |
VNEB | Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif. | 81 |
VP01SHPV | Print parameter maintenance shipping | 5 |
VP01TRAV | Print parameter maintenance transp. | 5 |
VP01_SD | Maintain Print Parameters SD | 5 |
VV11 | Create Output: Sales | 135 |
VV12 | Change output: Sales | 135 |
VV13 | Display Output: Sales | 135 |
VV21 | Create Output: Shipping | 135 |
VV22 | Change output: Shipping | 135 |
VV23 | Display Output: Shipping | 135 |
VV31 | Create Output : Billing | 135 |
VV32 | Change output: Billing | 135 |
VV33 | Display Output: Billing | 135 |
VVG1 | Create Output: Group | 135 |
VVG2 | Change output: Groups | 135 |
VVG3 | Display Output: Group | 135 |
WFMCVSTART | WFMC: Call View and View Cluster | 1 |
NACE | WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen | 0 |
NACO | Conditions for Output Control | 0 |
NACP | WFMC: Define Conditions | 0 |
NACS | WFMC: Assign Output Type Access Seq. | 0 |
NACV | WFMC: Partner Definition | 0 |
NACW | WFMC: Maintain Processing Program | 0 |
NACX | WFMC: Access Sequences | 0 |
NACZ | WFMC: Procedure | 0 |
NAWF | Start Customizing Control Flow | 0 |
OVK5 | V Table VKM Material Acct Grp | 0 |
OVK8 | C SD Tab. TVKT Customer Acct Grp | 0 |
OVL1 | C SD Tab. VRO Transportat.Planning | 0 |
OVNN | C SD Output Variants | 0 |
OVXZ | C SD Table NLS "Nielsen ID | 0 |
PRPBIL | Customizing print profile bill. doc. | 0 |
PRPDBIL | Print Prof. Customizing EWM BillDocs | 0 |
PRPHU | Customizing Print Profiles HU | 0 |
PRPPRO | Call Maintenance View for Print Prof | 0 |
PRPSHP | Custimizing print profiles shipping | 0 |
PRPTRA | Customizing print profile transport | 0 |
S_ALR_87099813 | - | 0 |
S_ALR_87099814 | - | 0 |
S_ALR_87099884 | - | 0 |
S_ALR_87099885 | - | 0 |
S_ALR_87099951 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000128 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000129 | - | 0 |
V/27 | Conditions for Output Determination | 0 |
V/32 | Sales Doc Output Determtn Procedure | 0 |
V/36 | Delivery Output Determination Procdr | 0 |
V/42 | Output Detrmntn Procdr (Billing Doc) | 0 |
V/48 | Access Sequences (Sales Document) | 0 |
V/50 | Access Sequence (Delivery) | 0 |
V/54 | Access Sequence (Billing Document) | 0 |
V/68 | Maintain Access Seqnc (Sales Actvty) | 0 |
V/70 | Maintain Condition Type Appl K1 | 0 |
V/72 | Output Determination Procedure (CAS) | 0 |
V/83 | View V_TNAPR Appl V3 | 0 |
V/86 | Conditions: V_T681F for B V1 | 0 |
V/87 | Conitions: V_T681F for B V2 | 0 |
V/88 | Conditions: V_T681F for B V3 | 0 |
V/89 | Conditions: V_T681F for B V5 | 0 |
V/90 | Conditions: V_T681F for B V6 | 0 |
V/91 | Conditions: V_T681F for B V7 | 0 |
V/92 | Conditions: V_T681F for B K1 | 0 |
V/96 | Access Sequence (Packaging) | 0 |
V/97 | Output Type Packaging | 0 |
V/99 | Output Determntn Procedure Packaging | 0 |
V/G4 | Access Sequence (Groups) | 0 |
V/G5 | View V_TNAPR Appl K1 | 0 |
V/G6 | Maintain Condition Type Appl V5 | 0 |
V/G7 | View V_TNAPR Appl V1 | 0 |
V/G8 | Output Determinatn Procedure Groups | 0 |
V/G9 | View VN_TNAPR Appl V2 | 0 |
VNE4 | Access Sequences (Ship.Notification) | 0 |
VNE5 | View V_TNAPN Appl. E1 | 0 |
VNE6 | Output Determ.Procedure-Ship.Notif. | 0 |
VNE9 | Conditions: V_T681F for B E1 | 0 |
VNEC | Output Types (Rough Goods Receipt) | 0 |
VNED | Access Sequences (Rough GR) | 0 |
VNEE | View V_TNAPN Appl. M1 | 0 |
VNEF | Output Determin.Proced. - Rough GR | 0 |
VNEG | Conditions: V_T681F for B M1 | 0 |
VNEH | View V_TNAPR Appl. E1 | 0 |
VNEI | View V_TNAPR Appl. M1 | 0 |
VNOP | C SD-VN Maintain TVAK | 0 |
VP01 | Maintain Print Parameters | 0 |
VP01SHP | Print parameter maintenance shipping | 0 |
VP01TRA | Print parameter maintenance transp. | 0 |