Output Determination (SD-BF-OC)

ID: HLA0006565
Table Description
OCE_ADD_EMAIL Output Control Additional Emails
NACH Detailed output data
B024 Shipping point
B200 Overall Status - Credit Check
B017 Shipment type
B018 Sales Organization/Receiving Country
B020 Shipping Material Type
B021 DlvType/Shipping Point
B022 TrspPlPoint and Shipment Type
B023 TrspPlPoint, TrspProcessingType and Service Agent
B028 Ship-to party/shipping mat.
B033 MRP Controller
B034 Planner Group
B048 CoCode, Vendor
B049 CoCde
B070 Transaction/print vers./print ind./label type/label form
B075 Kanban Cards for GR
B100 Output Determination: DocumentType/Purch.Org./Material Group
B150 Doc.Type/Sales Org./Customer
B160 Sales Organization/Condition Granter
B161 SOrg/Distr.Channel/Division/Rebate Recipient
B170 Purchasing Organization/Invoicing
B171 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Payer
B172 Company Code/Invoicing
B173 Company Code/Payer
B121 OutputDev.
B222 IS-M/AM: Sales area, transaction type
B223 Purchasing organization
B499 Movmt type
B047 Company Code/Blocking Reason (Qty)
B000 $ Sample Table for output control
B001 Sales Organization/Customer Number
B002 Sales Organization/Sales Activity Type
B005 Sales Organization/Order Type
B006 SOrg./Distrib.Ch/Division/Customer
B007 Order Type
B008 Billing Type
B009 Delivery Type
B010 Shipping Point/Route
B011 Sales Organization/Billing Type
B012 Sales Organization/Delivery Type
B013 Sales Org.
B014 Grouping Type/Shipping Point
B015 Credit Control Area/Credit Repr. Group/Risk Category
B016 Labeling
B025 Purchasing Output Determination: Doc.Type/Purch.Org/Vendor
B026 Purchasing Output Determination: Document Type
B027 Purchasing Output Determination: Purch. Org./Vendor for EDI
B030 Specification Department
B031 Area of Responsibility
B032 Application Area: Output Number
B035 Plant
B040 Document Type/Document Status
B046 CoCode, Blocking reason: Price
B060 PM Message - Plant Maintenance
B061 Purchasing Group
B062 Laboratory/Engineering and Design Office
B063 Planner Group
B064 Capacity Planner
B065 MRP Controller
B066 Cost Center
B071 GR Output
B072 Transaction/Printed Version/Print ID
B073 Transaction/Print Vers./Print Ind./SHKZG
B074 Missing Parts
B120 Condition tables for Output Nota Fiscal
B405 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Sales Off.
B406 Sales Area
B407 Commission Settlement for Company Code
B408 Sales Area/Bill-To Party
LEDPROFIL Definition of Print Profile Names
TNADP WFMC: Valid printing parameters
TNADR Output Control: do not use, will be deleted
TNADU Output Determination: Printer per User
TNAPR Processing programs for output
T685B Condition Types: Additional Data for Sending Output
TNAD7 Output Control: Printer per Storage Location
TNAPN Output Control: Output By Partner Function
TNATI Condition Types: Output Title
TNAD1 Output Control: Printers by Sales Organization
TNAD2 Output Control: Printers for Sales Org/Dist.Chan/Division
TNAD3 Output Control: Printers by Sales Office
TNAD4 Output Control: Printers by Sales Group
TNAD5 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point