- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
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- Investment Management (IM)
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- LOD Components (LOD)
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- Logistics Execution (LE)
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- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
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- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
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- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
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- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
- APO Cross-Application Components (SCM-APO-CA)
- Alert Monitor (SCM-APO-AMO)
- Demand Planning (SCM-APO-FCS)
- Global Available-to-Promise (SCM-APO-ATP)
- Interfaces (SCM-APO-INT)
- Master Data (SCM-APO-MD)
- Multilevel Supply & Demand Matching (SCM-APO-SDM)
- Optimization (SCM-APO-OPT)
- Planner's Home Page (SCM-APO-PHP)
- Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS)
- SCM liveCache Applications (SCM-APO-LCA)
- Service Parts Planning (SCM-APO-SPP)
- DRP Check and Release (SCM-APO-SPP-SRE)
- Distribution Requirements Planning for Service Parts (SCM-APO-SPP-SDR)
- Entry and Maintenance of Historical Data (SCM-APO-SPP-CPD)
- Inbound Delivery Monitor (SCM-APO-SPP-INB)
- Service Fill Analysis (SCM-APO-SPP-SFA)
- Service Parts Deployment (SCM-APO-SPP-SDE)
- Service Parts Forecast (SCM-APO-SPP-SFC)
- Shortage Analysis (SCM-APO-SPP-SHA)
- Supply Chain Cockpit (SCM-APO-SCC)
- Supply Network Planning (SNP) (SCM-APO-SNP)
- Vehicle Scheduling (SCM-APO-VS)
- Event Management (SCM-EM)
- Execution (SCM-ECT)
- Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- Fulfillment Coordination (SCM-FC)
- SAP Yard Logistics (SCM-YL)
- SCM Basis (SCM-BAS)
- SCM Cross-Application Components (SCM-CA)
- Supply Network Collaboration (SCM-ICH)
- Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Service Parts Planning (SCM-APO-SPP)
ID: AP80000061
T-Code | Description | Tables |
/SAPAPO/SORSCRAPORD | Display Scrapping Orders | 6 |
/SAPAPO/SORSELMODIMP | Import Product Selection Modif. | 3 |
/SAPAPO/SPPSIM | SPP Simulation | 30 |
/SAPAPO/SPPSIMSTODEL | Delete Stock Transport Order in SimV | 3 |
/SAPAPO/SPPSNAPSHDEL | SPP Simulation: Delete Snapshots | 30 |
/SAPAPO/SPPSNAPSHOT | SPP Simulation: Create Snapshots | 30 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_CHECK | SPP Consistency Checks | 12 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_NOTE_DEL | Delete Analyst Note | 6 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_SCHD_EXP | Explanation Prog. for SPP Scheduler | 7 |
/SAPAPO/VM_SPP | Merge into active version for SPP MD | 1 |
/SAPAPO/WD_START | Start Web Dynpro Application | 1 |
/SAPAPO/33000019 | - | 0 |
/SAPAPO/33000022 | - | 0 |
/SAPAPO/33000023 | - | 0 |
/SAPAPO/33000024 | - | 0 |
/SAPAPO/60000217 | - | 0 |
/SAPAPO/60000268 | - | 0 |
/SAPAPO/DEPL_IND_DEF | Maintain Deployment Indicator Rules | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PE_SEL_SPP | Define Selections (SPP) | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PINV_DT_MAIN | Inventory Planning: Decision Tables | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PINV_EX_MAIN | Maintain Location Exclusion Table | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PINV_FMAP | Fcst Strat. Inv. Pl. Pr. Type Assign | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PINV_IBP_PRE | eSPP: IBP Integration Pre-Processing | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PINV_MS_MAIN | EOQ/SFT Model Determination Rules | 0 |
/SAPAPO/PINV_TL_MAIN | Maintain Target Safety Stock Values | 0 |
/SAPAPO/ROUNDINGPROF | Rounding Profile | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SDPTBFX | Define Fixed Time Buckets Profile | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORCUST | Gen. Settings Surp. and Obsol. Serv. | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORDECCODE | Surplus Decision Code | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORREASON | Surplus Decision Code for Surp. Dec. | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORRETGRP | Retention Strategy Group | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORRETGRPSEL | Selection of Retention Strat. Groups | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORRETQTYDET | Retention Qty Determination Table | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORSELMOD | Modification of Product Selection | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORSPRF | Surplus and Obsol. Service Profile | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORSVALAPPRL | Surplus Value Approval Limits | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SORSVALRESET | Reset Surplus Value Approval Check | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPEOQPR | SPP EOQ Planning Lock | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPINVAPPR | SPP Stocking / Destocking Approval | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPINVP | SPP Inventory Planning | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPINVPDEC | SPP Decision Tables | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPMSP | Processing of Manual Surplus Qty | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPSIMCUST | General Settings SPP Simulation | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPPSIMVERPRF | SPP Simulation: Version Profile | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_ALERT_MO | Alert Monitor | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_ALERT_SU | Alert Summary | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_CNA_ACT | Activate Obj. for Autom. Forwarding | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_COCKPIT | eSPP Cockpit | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_EP_RO_CP | Reorg ext proc docs (CP change) | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_NOTE_ANA | Analyst Note | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_PLN_LIST | Planner's Worklist | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_SHORT_MO | Shortage Monitor | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_SHORT_OV | Shortage Overview | 0 |
/SAPAPO/SPP_TG_ACT | Activate Triggers for SPP | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TDL_APO_SEM | TDL: Semantic Mapping | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TDL_EQ_TEST | TDL: Equipment Data Browser | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TDL_INV_TEST | TDL: Stock Data Browser | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TDL_ORD_TEST | TDL: Order Data Browser | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TDL_TS_HTEST | TDL: Time Series Hist. Data Browser | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TDL_TS_TEST | TDL: Time Series Data Browser | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TRIGDPRF | Service Profile for Trigger Deletion | 0 |
/SAPAPO/TRIGGER | Trigger | 0 |
S_EMO_04000042 | /SCF/SG/APP_030SPP | 0 |
S_EMO_04000167 | - | 0 |