Service Parts Deployment (SCM-APO-SPP-SDE)

ID: AP80000066
Table Description
/SAPAPO/SPPIBOME Inventory Balancing - OEM-managed inventory - excess
/SAPAPO/STOAPRIN SPP Deployment / Redeployment STO Approval: Additional Info.
/SAPAPO/DEPLLOGH SPP Deployment Log: Header Data
/SAPAPO/DEPLLOGI SPP Deployment Log: Single Records
/SAPAPO/DEPLCALL Help Table for Forwarding of Parameters at Push Deployment
/SAPAPO/DEPLFRPD RC Not Considered During Push Deployment to Parent Loc.
/SAPAPO/DEPLHAZT Excluded Means of Trans. for Express Shipment of Dang. Goods
/SAPAPO/RDPLWSP SPP Inventory Balancing: Warehouse Space Savings Profile
/SAPAPO/DEPLSEQR SPP Deployment: Sequence Rules
/SAPAPO/DEPLSTSQ SPP Deployment: Standard Sequence Rules
/SAPAPO/RDPLWSPT SPP Inventory Balancing: WSS Profile Description
/SAPAPO/SPPUNSSP SPP: Inventory Balancing for Unserviceable - service profile
/SAPAPO/DEPLODL Order Due List for Deployment
/SAPAPO/DEPLPLMO SPP Deployment: Planning Modes
/SAPAPO/DEPLPLMT SPP Deployment: Planning Modes, Language-Dependent Texts
/SAPAPO/DEPLSPRF eSPP Deployment: Service Profiles
/SAPAPO/RDPLSPRF eSPP Inventory Balancing: Service Profile
/SAPAPO/SEQRULES SPP Deployment: Sequence Rules for Priority Tiers
/SAPAPO/SPRSSPRF eSPP Supersession: Service Profile
/SAPAPO/STDSEQRU SPP Deployment: Standard Sequence Rules
/SAPAPO/TIERS SPP Deployment: Priority Tier Definition
/SAPAPO/DEPLPARA SPP Push Deployment Parameters
/SAPAPO/DEPLPROF Push Deployment Profile