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Budgeting and Availability Control (PSM-GM-GTE-BU)
ID: ALN0000199
T-Code | Description | Tables |
GMAVCCD | Number range maintenance: GMAVC_CHDC | 4 |
GMAVCCUSTDEF | Check AVC Customizing (GM) | 15 |
GMAVCDIFF | GM AVC display discrepancies | 15 |
GMAVCOVRW | Overview of GM AVC Values | 10 |
GMAVCREINIT | Re-Initialize AVC Ledger | 16 |
GMBDGTOVIEW | GM Budget Overview | 38 |
GMBUD_APP | GM Mass Budget Approval | 24 |
GMBUD_REV | GM Mass Budget Reverse | 23 |
GMMPRBB | Increase Budget from Revenues | 11 |
GMRBGENMD | Generate Master Data for GM RIB | 1 |
GMRBIDXREC | Reconstruct Index for GM RIB | 1 |
GMRBRULE | Edit Single Rule for RIB Object | 20 |
GM_BDGT_RANGES | Number range maintenance: GRANT_BDGT | 4 |
GM_BDGT_TRANSFER_FM | Budget Transfer to Funds Management | 17 |
GMAVCDERIACTG | GM Derivation of Activity Groups | 0 |
GMAVCDERIACTGR | Derivation of Activity Groups | 0 |
GMAVCDERIAO | GM Derivation control object (ACO) | 0 |
GMAVCDERIAOR | GM Derivation control object (ACO) | 0 |
GMAVCDERICH | GM Derivation of check horizon | 0 |
GMAVCDERICHR | GM Derivation of check horizon | 0 |
GMAVCDERITPROF | GM Derivation of tolerance profile | 0 |
GMAVCDERITPROFR | GM Derivation of tolerance profile | 0 |
GMAVCLDGRCPY | Copy AVC ledger (GM) | 0 |
GMAVCMSGA | Call GMAVCOVRW (annual values) | 0 |
GMAVCMSGD | Show details of GMAVC messages | 0 |
GMAVCMSGO | Call GMAVCOVRW (overall values) | 0 |
GMBDGTOVIEWD | GM Budget Overview Direct | 0 |
GMBUNR | GM change document number ranges | 0 |
GMEDNR | GM entry document number ranges | 0 |
GMRBDERIMD | GM: Assign Proposal for RIB Master D | 0 |
GMRBDERIRO | GM: Derive RIB Object From Posting | 0 |
GM_BDGT_COPY_VERSION | Copy GM Document between Versions | 0 |
GM_BDGT_DOC_TYPE | Budget Document Types | 0 |
GM_BDGT_REASON_CODES | Plan/Budget Reason Codes | 0 |
GM_BDGT_RELEASE | GM Budgeting Release Process | 0 |
GM_BDGT_VERSION | Plan/Budget Versions | 0 |
GM_CREATE_BUDGET | Create GM Budget Entry Document | 0 |
GM_CS_RULES | Configure Cost Sharing Rules | 0 |
GM_DISPLAY_BUDGET | Display GM Budget Entry Document | 0 |
GM_E_4GBA | Overall Budget vs. Commitment/Actual | 0 |
GM_MODIFY_BUDGET | Modify GM Budget Entry Document | 0 |
GM_SPLIT_RULES | Configure Splitting Rules | 0 |
S_ALN_01000001 | Program GMTEST_SCREENS | 0 |
S_ALN_01000002 | Post indirect costs (defined by spon | 0 |
S_ALN_01000003 | Annual Budget Vs. Commit./Actual Lin | 0 |
S_ALN_01000825 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000826 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000827 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000828 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000830 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000831 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000832 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000093 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000094 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000277 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000278 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000279 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000280 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000281 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000282 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000283 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000284 | - | 0 |
S_PLN_16000357 | - | 0 |