- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Portfolio Management (PPM-PFM)
ID: /RPM/XSD0000011
Table | Description |
RPM_FES_MANGER_A | Resources for Resource Manager |
RPM_FIDATA | Financial Information |
RPM_FES_PRJ_ASGN | Assignments for Project Manager |
RPM_FES_RES_ASGN | To be deleted |
RPM_FES_PRJ_ROLE | Assignments for Project Manager |
RPM_FES_RES_ROLE | To be deleted |
RPM_PROJECT_ARCH | Projects in archive |
/RPM/OBJ_MIGR | Documents, which xRPM 2.0 objects were migrated |
RPM_LAST_USED | data regarding last used objects |
RPM_COLLECTN_CD | Collection - Pseudo table for change documents |
/RPM/COLLECTN_D | Collection Persisted Data |
RPM_SCENARIO_FIN | RPM : Scenario financial data |
RPM_REL_ALLOC_BK | Back up table for RPM: Relationship table |
RPM_RELATE_ALLBK | RPM: Relationship table |
RPM_RELATE_ALLOC | RPM: Relationship table |
/RPM/CAP_B_PLAN | Demand planning for buckets periodic values |
/RPM/CAP_PLAN | xRPM Demand planning periodic values |
RPM_CAPBPLAN_ARC | Demand planning for buckets archive table |
RPM_CAPPLAN_ARC | xRPM Demand planning archive table |
RPM_CAP_B_PLN_CD | Bucket demand periodic values - Pseudo table for change docu |
RPM_CAP_PLAN_CD | Cap planning periodic values-Pseudo table for change docu |
RPM_F4LABEL_TAB | Project ID display selection field structure |
RPM_RELATE | RPM: Relationship table |
RPM_RELATE_BKUP | RPM: Relationship table |
RPM_FES_ALO_DIST | Distribution of Resource Assignment |
RPM_FES_DEM_DIST | Distribution of Role demand |
/RPM/FIN_B_PLAN | Financial planning for buckets periodic values |
/RPM/FIN_PLAN | xRPM 4.0 Financial Planning |
RPM_FINBPLAN_ARC | Financial planning for buckets archive table |
RPM_FINPLAN_ARC | xRPM Financial Planning archive table |
RPM_FIN_B_PLN_CD | Bucket financial periodic values-Pseudo table for change doc |
RPM_FIN_PLAN_CD | Fin planning periodic values-Pseudo table for change docu |
/RPM/CO_DOWNLOAD | CO Download persisted data |
/RPM/FIN_PLA_INT | FI Intermediate table(with exchratedate) |
RPM_RELATE_CUST | Customer Fields for Relatinship |
/RPM/IT_VER_CTRL | Item Version Controller Table |
/RPM/ITEM_D | Operational item persisted data |
RPM_ITEM_D_CD | Item details - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_PROJECT_CO | Controlling Information about a project |
RPM_OBL_OBTYP | Project Object Link Type |
RPM_PROJECT | Project data |
/RPM/ITEM_IL | Item Internal Links |
RPM_ITEM_IL_CD | Item Internal Links - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_TASK | Project Task Data |
/RPM/CAP_B_CAT | Demand planning for bucket categories |
/RPM/FIN_B_CAT | Financial planning for bucket categories |
RPM_CAP_B_CAT_CD | Bucket demand category - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_CAP_CAT_CD | Demand Planning Category- Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_FIN_B_CAT_CD | Bucket Financial Categories - Pseudo table for change docu |
RPM_FIN_CAT_CD | Financial Category - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_PP_PRIORITY | RPM : Porfolio prioritization Scenario |
/RPM/CAP_CAT | Demand Planning Category |
/RPM/FIN_CAT | Financial Category |
RPM_PP_CSF | RPM : Portfolio Prioritization Critical Sucess Factors |
RPM_PP_CSF_R | RPM: Critical success factors ratings |
RPM_OBJ_LINK_CD | Object links - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_OBJ_LINK | Object link data storage |
/RPM/DECISION | Decision Point Object Data |
RPM_DECISION_CD | Decision Point - Pseudo table for change documents |
/RPM/WHATIF_D | What If Persisted Data |
RPM_WHATIF_D_CD | What If Scenario - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_REVIEW_CD | Portfolio Review - Pseudo table for change documents |
/RPM/REVIEW_D | Portfolio Review Persisted Data |
RPM_PROJ_LOCAT | Project Location |
/RPM/CAP_B_GROUP | Demand planning bucket category groups |
/RPM/CAP_GROUP | xRPM Demand planning group object |
/RPM/FIN_B_GROUP | Financial planning bucket category groups |
RPM_CAP_B_GRP_CD | Bucket demand groups - Pseudo table for change docu |
RPM_CAP_GRP_CD | Demand planning groups - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_FIN_B_GRP_CD | Bucket financial groups - Pseudo table for change docu |
RPM_FIN_GRP_CD | Financial Group Object - Pseudo table for change documents |
/RPM/FIN_GROUP | xRPM Financial Group Object |
/RPM/BUCKET_S | Operational bucket service providers |
RPM_BUCKET_S_CD | Bucket service table - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_PRIO_OBJ | RPM : Portfoilio Prioritization object definition |
RPM_SCN_FLD_C | RPM : Scenario Customer fields for What_If |
/RPM/BUCKET_D | Operational bucket persisted data |
RPM_BUCKET_D_CD | Bucket - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_PAGE_ID | Project Info : Table for Portal Page Id's |
/RPM/PORTFOLIO_D | Portfolio Operational persisted data |
RPM_PORTFOLIO_CD | Portfolio attributes - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_RESOURCE_RTE | Project Resource Standard Rate |
RPM_ROLE_RTE | Project Resource Standard Rate |
RPM_ROLE_AVL_BAK | Back up table of Project Role Demand |
RPM_ROLE | RPM: Role attributes |
/RPM/CAP_VIEW | Capacity view types |
/RPM/FIN_VIEW | Financial view types |
RPM_RESOURCE_AVL | Project Resource Availability |
RPM_ROLE_AVL | Project Role Demand |
RPM_DOCUMENT_CD | Document - Pseudo table for change documents |
/RPM/DOCUMENT | RPM Application Object Link - EDMS Document |
/RPM/DASH_PERS | Dashboard Customization |
/RPM/CAP_CATG | Capacity Category |
/RPM/CAP_GROUPS | Capacity Groups |
/RPM/DP_STATUS | Decision Point Status |
/RPM/FIN_CATG | Financial Groups |
/RPM/FIN_GROUPS | Financial Groups |
/RPM/OBJ_TYPE | RPM Object Type |
/RPM/OPTION_CUST | Option Customer Attributes |
/RPM/PERIOD_TYPE | Breakdown Periods |
/RPM/PORTAL_ROLE | Portal Roles definition |
/RPM/PORT_TYPE | Portfolio type definition |
/RPM/QGRP_CUST | Questionnaire Group Customer Attributes |
/RPM/SCENTYPES | Scenario Types for What IF |
/RPM/SERVICE | Services Definition |
/RPM/SMODEL_CUST | Scoring Model Customer Table |
/RPM/STATUS | Object Status |
/RPM/VERSION_TYP | xRPM Version Type |
/RPM/VER_MST_TYP | Version Master Type |
/RPM/ITEM_D_DER | Project data |
/RPM/WHATIF_STAT | WhatIf Status |
/RPM/BUCKET_D_DR | Operational derrived bucket persisted data |
RPM_PROJ_APST | Project Approval Status |
RPM_PROJ_CAT | Project Category |
RPM_PROJ_GEOGR | Project Geography |
RPM_PROJ_PHASE | Project Phase |
RPM_PROJ_SUBCAT | Project Subcategory |
RPM_PROJ_TTYPE | Technology Type |
RPM_PROJ_TYPE | Project Type |
RPM_AREA | Application Area for Settings |
RPM_OBJ_DEF | Application Object Definitions |
RPM_DOCUMENT | Document data storage |
RPM_PP_PRIO_PCSF | RPM : Priority based Critical success factors |
RPM_PP_PRIO_T | RPM : Portfolio Prioritization scenario text |
RPM_RES_POOL | RPM resource pool master |
RPM_APPL | Applications |
RPM_COSTCAT | RPM Cost Category |
RPM_ORGTYPE | Organisation Type |
RPM_UI_PROP_ID | iView Property ID |
RPM_DX_APPL | Data Transfer Applications |
/RPM/WF_ID | Table of Workflow IDs |
RPM_ITEM_DER_CD | Project data |
/RPM/PORTFOLIO_T | Portfolio Text Table |
RPM_FES_AVA_DIST | Distribution of Resource Avaliability |
/RPM/ITEM_TYPE | Item Type |
/RPM/BK_VER_CTRL | Bucket Version Controller Data |
/RPM/RELATION_D | Portofolio relation object persisted data |
RPM_PROJ_BDGRP | Project Budget Status Group |
RPM_PROJ_PRGRP | Project Priority group |
RPM_PROJ_RKGRP | Project Risk Group |
RPM_PROJ_SDGRP | Project Schedule Status Group |
RPM_PROJ_STGRP | Project Staffing Status Group |
RPM_RELATION_CD | Portofolio Relations - Pseudo table for change documents |
RPM_DP_STATGRP | Dependency:Status Indicators group |
RPM_TEAM_MD | xRPM Team Master Data |
/RPM/ITEM_H | Operational item persisted data |
RPM_ITEM_H_CD | Item header - Pseudo table for change documents |
/RPM/HIERARCHY_D | Strategic hierarchy persisted data |
/RPM/PORTFOLIO_S | Portfolio Details persisted data |
/RPM/DP_DER | Decision Point Derived Table |
RPM_RESOURCE | Project Resource |
/RPM/PERSON_CUST | Customer Fields for Person |
RPM_PROJECT_CUST | RPM Project: Customer data |
RPM_DEPEND_CUST | Customer Fields :Project Dependencies |
RPM_RESOURCE_CUS | Customer Fields for Resource |
RPM_ROLE_CUST | Customer Fields for Role |
RPM_TASK_CUST | Customer Fields at Task Level |
RPM_TEAM_CUST | Customer Fields for Team Definition |
RPM_TEAM_MD_CUST | xRPM Team Master Data Customer Fields |
/RPM/QNNR_RESULT | Questionnaire Result |
RPM_PROJECT_DER | Project data |
/RPM/QSTN_CUST | Question Customer Attributes |
RPM_PROJECT_VERS | Project Versions |
RPM_TEAM | Project Team |
/RPM/QNNR_CUST | Questionnaire Customer Attributes |
/RPM/RV_STATUS | Review Status |
/RPM/ITEM_STATUS | Decision Point Status |
RPM_VALTYP | Period Type |
/RPM/CAP_CATG_T | Capacity Category Text |
/RPM/FIN_CATG_T | Financial Category text |
/RPM/OBJ_TYPE_T | Object type text |
/RPM/STATUS_T | Object Status Text |
RPM_PROJ_CAT_T | Project Category |
RPM_PROJ_LOCAT_T | Project Location Text |
RPM_AREA_T | RPM Area Text |
RPM_OBL_OBTYP_T | Project Object Link Type Text |
RPM_PRIO_OBJ_T | RPM : Portfolio Prioritization object text |
RPM_APPL_T | Backend Application Description |
RPM_DX_APPL_T | Data Transfer Application Description |
RPM_RFCS_T | Function Module Text |
/RPM/OBJ_LINKID | Maintain Object-LinkId Relation |
/RPM/SUBST_OBJ | Object Type for Substitution |
/RPM/CAP_UNITS | Capacity Management Units |
/RPM/CURRENCY | Currency |
/RPM/FIELD_ICONS | Icon configuration for fields. |
/RPM/OBJ_CUS_FLD | Object type custom fields |
/RPM/OBJ_CUS_UI | Object type customizing for UI |
/RPM/OBJ_SAP_FLD | Object type SAP fields |
/RPM/OBJ_SAP_UI | Object type SAP UI Fields |
/RPM/PHASE | Phases Definition |
/RPM/PORT_FLD_UI | Portfolio Fields UI |
/RPM/PORT_I_UI | Override Portfolio UI fields-Item |
/RPM/P_FICAP_SPN | xRPM:Portfolio dependant fin/cap override sponsor field |
/RPM/SHLP_LIST | Search Help List |
/RPM/SMODEL_AT_T | Attribute Text |
/RPM/SMODEL_CURR | Range Table - Currency |
/RPM/SMODEL_NUMC | Range Table - Numeric |
/RPM/SMODEL_TEXT | Range Table - Text |
/RPM/SRCH_STRUCT | Object_structure |
/RPM/SRCH_TABNAM | Table Name used for Object Search |
/RPM/CAPLAN_DIST | xRPM : Distribution types for Capacity Planning |
/RPM/FIPLAN_DIST | xRPM : Distribution types for Financial Planning groups |
RPM_CUST_FIELDS | Portf. Mgmt Custom Structure Fields Definition |
RPM_CUST_STRUCTS | xRPM Custom Structures Definition |
RPM_CUST_VALUE | DB table to maintain Customer attributes |
RPM_PS_SYSTATMAP | Mapping of PLM PS System Status to RPM Task Status |
RPM_PS_USSTATMAP | Mapping of PLM PS User Status to xRPM Status |
RPM_PSLOCT | RPM PS Location Mapping |
RPM_RFCSYS | Mapping between RFC and Logical Systems |
RPM_PS_CP_STAT | Mapping of PLM PS System Status to DPR System Status |
RPM_CP_STATMAP | Mapping cProjects processing status to xRPM execution status |
RPM_OBJTYPE | Supported Business Objects per Application |
RPM_CAP_UNIT | Capacity Management: Unit Mappings |
RPM_CTEMPLATE | Custom Development Template |
RPM_FIELD_UTIL | Field Utilization on xRPM iView components |
RPM_POOL_DETAILS | Resource pool objects |
RPM_CAT_ASSIN | Cost category assignment |
RPM_SYST_ROLE_ID | System Roles - ID |
RPM_UI_CVIEWPROP | iView Properties - Customer Settings |
RPM_UI_IVIEWPROP | iView Properties |
RPM_RFCS_DEBUG | RFCs to debugging |
/RPM/DOC_T_AREA | Storing the GUIDs for the Document Template Area |
/RPM/CAP_LVL_CD | Tracking Level for Capacity Planning Change Documents |
/RPM/FIN_LVL_CD | Tracking Level for Financial Planning Change Documents |
/RPM/FISCAL_VAR | Fiscal Year Variant |
/RPM/FIN_REP_MAP | Mapping for Financial view with reporting views |
/RPM/ITEM_FLD_UI | Override Item Field Configuration based on Item type |