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- Cross-Application Components (CA)
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- Enterprise Portal (EP)
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- Fiori UI for Production Planning and Control (PP-FIO)
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- Integration with Manufacturing Execution Systems (PP-MES)
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- Material Requirements Planning (PP-MRP)
- Plant Data Collection (PP-PDC)
- Predictive MRP (PP-PMR)
- Production Network (PP-PN)
- Production Orders (PP-SFC)
- Production Planning (PP-MP)
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- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Demand Management (PP-MP-DEM)
ID: HLA0006430
T-Code | Description | Tables |
MD61 | Create Planned Indep. Requirements | 97 |
MD62 | Change Planned Indep. Requirements | 97 |
MD63 | Display Planned Indep. Requirements | 97 |
MD64 | Create Planned Indep.Requirements | 97 |
MD65 | Change Standard Indep.Requirements | 97 |
MD66 | Display Standard Indep.Requirements | 97 |
MD67 | Staggered Split | 53 |
MD70 | Copy Total Forecast | 53 |
MD71 | "Copy Reference Changes" | 53 |
MD72 | Evaluation; Charac.Plnng Techniques | 9 |
MD73 | Display Total Indep. Requirements | 97 |
MD74 | Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts | 26 |
MD75 | Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts | 26 |
MD76 | Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History | 26 |
MD79 | "PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer" | 53 |
MD81 | Create Customer Indep. Requirements | 628 |
MD82 | Change customer indep. requirement | 628 |
MD83 | Display Customer Indep. Requirements | 628 |
MD85 | List Customer Indep. Requirements | 107 |
MDPH | Planning Profile | 97 |
MS64 | Create Simulation Version | 53 |
MS65 | Requirements Situation | 97 |
MS66 | Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts | 51 |
OMID | Maintain Number Range: Indep.Reqmts | 4 |
OMPE | Takeover Structure | 3 |
OMPL | Direct Input | 23 |
OMPM | Create Example File | 22 |
MDP1 | Create combination structure | 0 |
MDP2 | Change combination structure | 0 |
MDP3 | Display combination structure | 0 |
MDP4 | Maintain combinations | 0 |
MDP6 | Modeling | 0 |
MDPP | Demand Management | 0 |
MDPV | Planning variant: Initial screen | 0 |
OMIE | Maintain Number Range: Reqmts Plan | 0 |
OMP0 | Customizing: Demand Mngmt (Menu) | 0 |
OMP1 | Customizing: Requirements Types | 0 |
OMP2 | Customizing: Versions | 0 |
OMP3 | Customizing: Vers. per Reqmts Class | 0 |
OMP4 | Customizing: Indep. Reqmts History | 0 |
OMP5 | Customizing: Refer.Type (Dep.Reqmts) | 0 |
OMP6 | Customizing: Consuming Indep. Reqmts | 0 |
OMP8 | Customizing: Reorganizing Indep.Req. | 0 |
OMP9 | Customizing: Fixing Indep. Reqmts | 0 |
OMPA | Customizing: Version per Ref. Type | 0 |
OMPC | Customizing:PlgInd/Cons.Indep.Reqmts | 0 |
OMPD | Customizing:Indep.Reqmts Init.Screen | 0 |
OMPH | Period Split | 0 |
OMPI | Configuration | 0 |
OMPJ | Reqmts Type Message Control | 0 |
OMPO | Maintain Requirements Classes | 0 |
OMPP | Internal Number Assignment | 0 |
OMPS | Maintain Period Split | 0 |
S_ALR_87005505 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP9 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005508 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPG | 0 |
S_ALR_87005511 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPA | 0 |
S_ALR_87005514 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPS | 0 |
S_ALR_87005517 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPH | 0 |
S_ALR_87005519 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OSPA | 0 |
S_ALR_87005522 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPB2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005526 | IMG Activity: OMP0_DATTRANS_SXDA | 0 |
S_ALR_87005528 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMI6 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005531 | IMG Activity: OMP0_OMPP | 0 |
S_ALR_87005534 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPD | 0 |
S_ALR_87005537 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP6 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005541 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP4 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005545 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP8 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005549 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPJ | 0 |
S_ALR_87005553 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPC | 0 |
S_ALR_87005556 | IMG Activity: OMP0_OMPO | 0 |
S_ALR_87005560 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP1 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005561 | IMG Activity: OMP0_OMIE | 0 |
S_ALR_87005564 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMID | 0 |
S_ALR_87005567 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005568 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPPU | 0 |
S_ALR_87005570 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPPT | 0 |
S_ALR_87005575 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPPS | 0 |
S_ALR_87005577 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0ORGRE | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000316 | - | 0 |