Maintenance Task Lists (PM-PRM-TL)

ID: HLA0006646
Table Description
MPCR Preventive Maintenance Compliance
MPOS Maintenance item
MPLA Maintenance plan
MMPT Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan
MHIO Call Object from Maintenance Order
PLWP Allocation of maintenance packages to task list operations
EAPL Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment
TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations
T399G Maintenance Plan Sort Field
T399W Maintenance Plan Category Parameter
CMPLORIGIN Origin of Compliance Requirements
T351 Maintenance strategy
MHIS Maintenance plan history
T351P Maintenance packages
T351T Maintenance strategy texts
MPLAN_STRAT_UPD Maintenance Plans Relevant to Restart in Cycle
T351P_OLD Old Version of Maintenance Packages
T351_OLD Old Status of Maintenance Strategy
T399P Maintenance item category parameter