Integration with SuccessFactors BizX Employee Central (PA-SFI-EC)

ID: HRI0000002
Table Description
HRSFEC_D_EEKEYMP Employee Key Mapping
HRSFEC_D_REFMAP Reference key mapping for items replicated from Employee Cen
HRSFEC_D_SEQKEYM Sequenzing key mapping table
HRSFEC_TIMSTAMP Table to save timestamp of Reports, Objects
HRSFEC_D_REPSMSG Replication log messages
HRSFEC_D_MNTTASK Task description for payroll data maintenance tasks in EC
HRSFEC_PN_FTSD PERNR-specific full transmission start date
HRSFEC_D_CONFIRM Representation of confirmation where upsert to EC failed
HRSFEC_PTP_LMOD Last Modified Date per SFAPI Query Configuration
HRSFEC_D_EE_QUAR Employees in quarantine
T77SFEC_PTP_CONF Configuration of PTP Employee Master Data Replication Query
HRSFEC_ONB_VERS Onboarding compliance form versions
HRSFEC_CDB_CHK Config. Dashboard: Definition of Checks
HRSFEC_MDI_FDMAP Mapping of Fund UUID to Local ID
HRSFEC_MDI_FCMAP Mapping of Funds Center ID to external MDI UUID
HRSFEC_ONB_REPST Onboarding Form Replication Status
HRSFEC_D_EECOH Cut Off History for employees terminated before FTSD
HRSFEC_D_EXTLOG Extensibility EC Entity Log
HRSFEC_MDI_LDTKN Maintain last successful Deltatoken for MDI integration
T77SFEC_MDI_CONF Configure HTTP connections for MDI integration
HRSFEC_PTP_CRED Credentials for Employee Central SOAP Login
HRSFEC_MDI_GTMAP Mapping of Grant UUID to Local ID
HRSFEC_MDI_BPMAP Mapping of Budget Period UUID from MDI to ECP ID
T77SFEC_PTP_CONT Name of Configuration of PTP Empl. Master Data Repl. Query
HRSFEC_CDB_UI Config. Dashboard: Definition of UI
HRSFEC_CNTRY Assign classes to replication type and country
HRSFEC_CNTRY_CC Assign classes to repl type and country (cust clnt spec)
HRSFEC_D_REPCLAS Country Specifc Class Definition For Employee Replication
HRSFEC_D_REPLEXC Employee inbound message replication logging table
HRSFEC_TSKCFG Task Configuration
HRSFEC_TSKCFGINF Task Configuration - Infotypes
T77SFEC_ADR_IMPC Customer specific address implementation class per country
T77SFEC_ADR_IMPS SAP delivered address implementation class per country
T77SFEC_BANKMAPC Customer specific bank details mapping country class
T77SFEC_BANKMAPS SAP delivered bank details mapping country class
T77SFEC_COUNTRY Replication Countries
T77SFEC_CURR Currency of Wage Type
T77SFEC_EXTMAP Employee Central Extensibility Mapping Configuration
T77SFEC_HIR_IMPC Customer specific hire implementation class per country
T77SFEC_HIR_IMPS SAP delivered hire implementation class per country
T77SFEC_KMAPCOMC Company Code Key Mapping
T77SFEC_KMAPCOSC Cost Centre Key Mapping
T77SFEC_KMAPPEST Permanent Establishment Key Mapping
T77SFEC_LIST_ID Default List IDs for GDT Codes
T77SFEC_MAP_MOD Mapping for defaulted ListIDs of GDTs
T77SFEC_MAP_MODC Mapping for defaulted ListIDs of GDTs (customer specific)
T77SFEC_PC_OCRSN Employee Central Pay Component to Off-Cycle Reason mapping
T77SFEC_PTP_SEGM Segments to query with respect to configuration ID
T77SFEC_S_NODE Allowed Node Names for Extensibility Mapping
T77SFEC_S_SUP_IT All supported infotype for ECP replication (SAP) - OBSOLETE
T77SFEC_TDR_MAPC Time dependent replication logic mapping (Customizing)
T77SFEC_TDR_MAPS Time dependent replication logic mapping (SAP)
T77SFEC_WTP_ADPY Processing of Non-Recurring Payment Wage Types
T77SFEC_WT_PROC Processing of Wage Types in EC Replication
T77SFEC_C_SUP_IT All supported infotypes for ECP replication (Customer)