Position Budgeting and Control (PA-PM-PB)

ID: ALN0000241
Table Description
HRFPM_OBJECTS HRFPM: Object table of the commitment engine
HRFPM_FPM_POS HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items
HRFPM_FM_POS HRFPM: FM Documents - Items
HRFPM_DIFFERENCE HRFPM: Personnel Costs Savings/ Overrun
HRFPM_FPM_POS_BU HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items for Budget
HRFPM_FM_POS_BU HRFPM: FM Documents - Items for Budget
HRFPM_BPREP_DATA Preprocesses Data for BPREP Data Extraction
HRFPM_FM_POS_ARC Archiving Status of Financing Documents
HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG HRFPM: Central Log of Commitment Run
HRFPM_RUNADMINS HRFPM: Administration Information for Commitment Runs
HRFPM_FM_DOC_BU HRFPM: FM Documents for Budget
HRFPM_INTEG_IV HRFPM: Integration Status
HRFPM_AL_ADD_LOG HRFPM: Application Log - Exception Class - Additional Log
HRFPM_AL_ADD_PAR HRFPM: Application Log - Exception Class - Additional Param.
HRFPM_CHGE_DOC_F HRFPM: Change Document Flag Customizing
HRFPM_EXC_ACCASS HRFPM: Exceptions with Account Assgmts Attribute ACC_ASS
HRFPM_COLUMN_CON Buffer for Columns in HRPBCM
HRFPM_INIT_LOG HRFPM: Log Table Initial Commitment Creation
HRFPM_ENC_LOCK Lock for Commitment Creation
HRP1511 DB Table for Infotype 1511
HRP1516 DB Table for Infotype 1516
PA0724 Personal Master Record Infotype 0724
HRP1514 DB Table for Infotype 1514
HRP1509 DB Table for Infotype 1509
HRP1512 DB Table for Infotype 1512
HRP1515 DB Table for Infotype 1515
PA3293 HR Master Record for Infotype 3293
T77HRFPMFINEXC1 Reason for Alternative Financing Requirement
T77HRFPMLGMEX01 Define Message Extractor
T77HRFPM_ERRCODE Assignment of Error Message to Error Category
T77HRFPMFINCHK1 Financing Rules: Assignment of Application -> Class
T77HRFPM_CD_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_DC_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_ER_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error(possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_MOSALSA Grouping for Activation of Personnel Cost Savings
T77HRFPM_OC_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_OP_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for Output (possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_PARAMS HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (Possible Parameters)
T77HRFPM_PCS_01 Relevance Type IDs for Personnel Cost Savings
T77HRFPM_RA_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_AC_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for Activities (possible BADI filters)
T77HRFPM_AC_GRO HRFPM: Cust. Table for Checks (possible BADI filters)
T77HRFPM_CH_FIL HRFPM: Cust. Table for Checks (possible BADI filters)
T77HRFPM_CIL Legal Grounds for Financing
T77HRFPM_ERRCATG Error Categories
T77HRFPM_ERREXMP Permitted Check Exceptions for Financing Rules
T77HRFPM_FIN_FIL Filter Values for BAdI for Staff Assignment Rules
T77HRFPM_RELTYP Relevance Types for Personnel Budget Plan
T77HRFPM_TRFCOND Pay Scale Dependency of Group Notes
T77HRFPMFINCHK0 Financing Rules: Assignment of OM Service -> Application
T77HRFPMFINEXC2 Grouping of Reasons for Alternative Financing Requirement
T77HRFPMFINEXC4 Classification of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement
T77HRFPM_OM_PER0 OM Budget: Definition of Time Slices
T77HRFPM_WD_REPS Customizing for HRFPM Web Dynpro Java
T77HRFPM_DERFIL Derivation Strategy for Filter Determination for Check Rules
T77HRFPM_PCS_02 Consolidation Rules
T77HRFPM_FTE_WB0 Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_OM_PER OM Budget: Status of Time Slices
T77HRFPMLGENH01 Define Enhancements
HRT1515 Table Part Infotype 1515
T77HRFPMFILT01 Filter Rule
T77HRFPM_ERRCATT Error Categories: Texts
T77HRFPM_ERRCODT Assignment of Error Message to Error Category Texts
T77HRFPMFINEXC1T Reason for Alternative Financing Requirement (Texts)
T77HRFPMFINEXC2T Grouping of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement (Texts)
T77HRFPM_FTE_WB1 Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock
HRFPM_CUST_DIAGN HRFPM: Customizing Diagnosis
T77HRFPM_ADMIN HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error(possible BADI Filter)
T77HRFPM_CD_FIVA HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)
T77HRFPM_CD_VARI HRFPM: Cust.Table for FPM Table (Feature Variant)
T77HRFPM_CHG_HIS Activation of Change Log
T77HRFPM_CLOSING Settings for Period Closing with Commitment Creation
T77HRFPM_CURCY HRFPM: Maintenance of Document Currency
T77HRFPM_DC_FIVA HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)
T77HRFPM_DC_PAY HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (Payroll Simulation for PCP )
T77HRFPM_DC_PCP HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Context / Scenario)
T77HRFPM_DC_SUB HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Subtypes for 5010/0666)
T77HRFPM_DC_VAR HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (PCP: Report Variant)
T77HRFPM_DC_VARI HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Detailed Variant)
T77HRFPM_ENCPER HRFPM: Commitment Periods
T77HRFPM_ENCUMB HRFPM: Customizing - global time frame for encumbrance
T77HRFPM_ER_FIVA HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error Handler (Variant<-> Filter)
T77HRFPM_INFTYS HRFPM: Customizing - Infotypes Relevant to Commitment
T77HRFPM_INTE HR-FPM: Involved in Integration
T77HRFPM_MO_ACT Activation of Recording of Personnel Cost Savings
T77HRFPM_OBJCOL HRFPM: Customizing Table for Object Collector (Variants)
T77HRFPM_OBJECTS HRFPM: Customizing - Objects Relevant to Commitment
T77HRFPM_OP_FIVA HRFPM: Cust. Table for Output (Variant<-> Filter)
T77HRFPM_RA_FIVA HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)
T77HRFPM_VARIANT HRFPM: Customizing global variant of the run
T77HRFPM_WF_SET HRFPM: Activation of External E-Mail System
HRFPM_MDIR_TABS Tab Pages for Direct Infotype Maintenance PS
T77HRFPM_1509_OM Assignment of Note Types to Object Types O and P
T77HRFPM_AC HRFPM: Cust Tab for Activating Activities in HR
T77HRFPM_CHECK HRFPM: Cust. Tab for Activating Checks in HR
T77HRFPM_OCC_CHK HRFPM: Cust Tab for Activating Staff Assignment Rules
T77HRFPM_OMWBA Activate Periods for Activating the Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_OM_RECL Subtype Characteristics of Alternative Valuations
T77HRFPM_STOV Maintenance of FTE Limits
HRBWDELTA Customizing Table for Controlling Delta-Update
T77HRFPMCLOSINGA Local Settings for Period Closing for Commitment Creation
T77HRFPMFILT10 Requirements Filter: Handler Classes
T77HRFPM_PCS_03 Definition of Consolidation Rules
T77HRFPM_PCS_04 Activation of Consolidation Rules
T77HRFPMFTEREOC1 Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPMFTEREOCA Periods for Activation of Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_FTE_WBA Periods for Activation of Reassignment Lock
T77HRFPM_OM_PER1 OM Budget: Definition of Time Slices Validity
T77HRFPM_OM_TRNS Settings for transfer posting