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Position Budgeting and Control (PA-PM-PB)
ID: ALN0000241
Table | Description |
HRFPM_OBJECTS | HRFPM: Object table of the commitment engine |
HRFPM_FPM_POS | HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items |
HRFPM_FM_POS | HRFPM: FM Documents - Items |
HRFPM_DIFFERENCE | HRFPM: Personnel Costs Savings/ Overrun |
HRFPM_FPM_POS_BU | HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items for Budget |
HRFPM_FM_POS_BU | HRFPM: FM Documents - Items for Budget |
HRFPM_CHANGE_HIS | HRFPM: Change History |
HRFPM_CHANGE_LOG | HRFPM: change_log |
HRFPM_BPREP_DATA | Preprocesses Data for BPREP Data Extraction |
HRFPM_FM_POS_ARC | Archiving Status of Financing Documents |
HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG | HRFPM: Central Log of Commitment Run |
HRFPM_RUNADMINS | HRFPM: Administration Information for Commitment Runs |
HRFPM_FM_DOC | HRFPM: FM Documents |
HRFPM_FM_DOC_BU | HRFPM: FM Documents for Budget |
HRFPM_INTEG_IV | HRFPM: Integration Status |
HRFPM_AL_ADD_LOG | HRFPM: Application Log - Exception Class - Additional Log |
HRFPM_AL_ADD_PAR | HRFPM: Application Log - Exception Class - Additional Param. |
HRFPM_CHGE_DOC_F | HRFPM: Change Document Flag Customizing |
HRFPM_EXC_ACCASS | HRFPM: Exceptions with Account Assgmts Attribute ACC_ASS |
HRFPM_COLUMN_CON | Buffer for Columns in HRPBCM |
HRFPM_INIT_LOG | HRFPM: Log Table Initial Commitment Creation |
HRFPM_ENC_LOCK | Lock for Commitment Creation |
HRP1511 | DB Table for Infotype 1511 |
HRP1516 | DB Table for Infotype 1516 |
PA0724 | Personal Master Record Infotype 0724 |
HRP1514 | DB Table for Infotype 1514 |
HRP1509 | DB Table for Infotype 1509 |
HRP1512 | DB Table for Infotype 1512 |
HRP1515 | DB Table for Infotype 1515 |
PA3293 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3293 |
T77HRFPMFINEXC1 | Reason for Alternative Financing Requirement |
T77HRFPMLGMEX01 | Define Message Extractor |
T77HRFPM_ERRCODE | Assignment of Error Message to Error Category |
T77HRFPMFINCHK1 | Financing Rules: Assignment of Application -> Class |
T77HRFPM_CD_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_DC_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_ER_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error(possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_MOSALSA | Grouping for Activation of Personnel Cost Savings |
T77HRFPM_OC_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_OP_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Output (possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_PARAMS | HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (Possible Parameters) |
T77HRFPM_PCS_01 | Relevance Type IDs for Personnel Cost Savings |
T77HRFPM_RA_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_AC_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Activities (possible BADI filters) |
T77HRFPM_AC_GRO | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Checks (possible BADI filters) |
T77HRFPM_CH_FIL | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Checks (possible BADI filters) |
T77HRFPM_CIL | Legal Grounds for Financing |
T77HRFPM_ERRCATG | Error Categories |
T77HRFPM_ERREXMP | Permitted Check Exceptions for Financing Rules |
T77HRFPM_FIN_FIL | Filter Values for BAdI for Staff Assignment Rules |
T77HRFPM_RELTYP | Relevance Types for Personnel Budget Plan |
T77HRFPM_TRFCOND | Pay Scale Dependency of Group Notes |
T77HRFPMFINCHK0 | Financing Rules: Assignment of OM Service -> Application |
T77HRFPMFINEXC2 | Grouping of Reasons for Alternative Financing Requirement |
T77HRFPMFINEXC4 | Classification of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement |
T77HRFPM_OM_PER0 | OM Budget: Definition of Time Slices |
T77HRFPM_WD_REPS | Customizing for HRFPM Web Dynpro Java |
T77HRFPM_DERFIL | Derivation Strategy for Filter Determination for Check Rules |
T77HRFPM_PCS_02 | Consolidation Rules |
T77HRFPM_FTE_WB0 | Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock |
T77HRFPM_OM_PER | OM Budget: Status of Time Slices |
T77HRFPMLGENH01 | Define Enhancements |
HRT1515 | Table Part Infotype 1515 |
T77HRFPMFILT01 | Filter Rule |
T77HRFPM_ERRCATT | Error Categories: Texts |
T77HRFPM_ERRCODT | Assignment of Error Message to Error Category Texts |
T77HRFPMFINEXC1T | Reason for Alternative Financing Requirement (Texts) |
T77HRFPMFINEXC2T | Grouping of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement (Texts) |
T77HRFPM_FTE_WB1 | Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock |
HRFPM_CUST_DIAGN | HRFPM: Customizing Diagnosis |
T77HRFPM_ADMIN | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error(possible BADI Filter) |
T77HRFPM_CD_FIVA | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter) |
T77HRFPM_CD_VARI | HRFPM: Cust.Table for FPM Table (Feature Variant) |
T77HRFPM_CHG_HIS | Activation of Change Log |
T77HRFPM_CLOSING | Settings for Period Closing with Commitment Creation |
T77HRFPM_CURCY | HRFPM: Maintenance of Document Currency |
T77HRFPM_DC_FIVA | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter) |
T77HRFPM_DC_PAY | HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (Payroll Simulation for PCP ) |
T77HRFPM_DC_PCP | HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Context / Scenario) |
T77HRFPM_DC_SUB | HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Subtypes for 5010/0666) |
T77HRFPM_DC_VAR | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (PCP: Report Variant) |
T77HRFPM_DC_VARI | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Detailed Variant) |
T77HRFPM_ENCPER | HRFPM: Commitment Periods |
T77HRFPM_ENCUMB | HRFPM: Customizing - global time frame for encumbrance |
T77HRFPM_ER_FIVA | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error Handler (Variant<-> Filter) |
T77HRFPM_INFTYS | HRFPM: Customizing - Infotypes Relevant to Commitment |
T77HRFPM_INTE | HR-FPM: Involved in Integration |
T77HRFPM_MO_ACT | Activation of Recording of Personnel Cost Savings |
T77HRFPM_OBJCOL | HRFPM: Customizing Table for Object Collector (Variants) |
T77HRFPM_OBJECTS | HRFPM: Customizing - Objects Relevant to Commitment |
T77HRFPM_OP_FIVA | HRFPM: Cust. Table for Output (Variant<-> Filter) |
T77HRFPM_RA_FIVA | HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter) |
T77HRFPM_VARIANT | HRFPM: Customizing global variant of the run |
T77HRFPM_WF_SET | HRFPM: Activation of External E-Mail System |
HRFPM_MDIR_TABS | Tab Pages for Direct Infotype Maintenance PS |
T77HRFPM_1509_OM | Assignment of Note Types to Object Types O and P |
T77HRFPM_AC | HRFPM: Cust Tab for Activating Activities in HR |
T77HRFPM_CHECK | HRFPM: Cust. Tab for Activating Checks in HR |
T77HRFPM_OCC_CHK | HRFPM: Cust Tab for Activating Staff Assignment Rules |
T77HRFPM_OMWBA | Activate Periods for Activating the Reassignment Lock |
T77HRFPM_OM_RECL | Subtype Characteristics of Alternative Valuations |
T77HRFPM_STOV | Maintenance of FTE Limits |
HRBWDELTA | Customizing Table for Controlling Delta-Update |
T77HRFPM_FLAGS | Switch for PBC |
T77HRFPMCLOSINGA | Local Settings for Period Closing for Commitment Creation |
T77HRFPMFILT10 | Requirements Filter: Handler Classes |
T77HRFPM_PCS_03 | Definition of Consolidation Rules |
T77HRFPM_PCS_04 | Activation of Consolidation Rules |
T77HRFPMFTEREOC1 | Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock |
T77HRFPMFTEREOCA | Periods for Activation of Reassignment Lock |
T77HRFPM_FTE_WBA | Periods for Activation of Reassignment Lock |
T77HRFPM_OM_PER1 | OM Budget: Definition of Time Slices Validity |
T77HRFPM_OM_TRNS | Settings for transfer posting |