General Parts (PA-BN-FB-XX)

ID: PLN0000015
Table Description
T74_FBN01 Flexible Benefits Plan Indicator
T74_FBN09 Benefit Plan Option Jump Assignment
T74_FBN_GB11 Email Data for GB Flexible Benefit
T74_FBN16 Annual Flexible Benefits Plan Cost Pro-rate for New Starter
T74_FBN00 Flexible Benefits Plan Type Attribute
T74_FBN02 Flexible Benefits Scheme Attribute
T74_FBN03 Flexible Benefits ComCar Infotype Records' Date Indicator
T74_FBN04 Number of Holiday Buying or Selling for Holiday Plan
T74_FBN05 Flexible Benefits Holiday Buying or Selling Limitation
T74_FBN07 Flexible Benefits Holiday Plan Quota & Wage Type Setting
T74_FBN08 Annual Tax Free Boundary
T74_FBN10 Event Attribute for Flexible Benefits
T74_FBN12 Additional funding limitation
T74_FBN13 Benefit Insurance Plan Option Relevant Family
T74_FBN_GB00 Flexible Benefits National Insurance Neutrality
T74_FBN_GB01 Flexible Benefits Plan General Attribute (GB)
T74_FBN_GB02 Flexible Benefits Plan Company Car Attribute (GB)
T74_FBN_GB04 Flexible Benefits Plan GB Pension Attribute
T74_FBN_GB05 Flexible Benefits Employee Pension Contribution Rule (GB)
T74_FBN_GB06 Assign NI neutrality difference wage type
T74_FBN_GB07 Flexible Benefits Cost Period for Company Car (GB)
T74_FBN_GB08 Option Salary Sacrifice of Flexible Benefit Plan GB Pension
T74_FBN_GB09 Assign wage type for Additional. funding