- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) (MM-CBP)
- External Services (MM-SRV)
- Information System (MM-IS)
- Inventory Management (MM-IM)
- Invoice Verification (MM-IV)
- Purchasing (MM-PUR)
- Basic Functions (MM-PUR-GF)
- Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active) (MM-PUR-EM)
- Master Product Specification (MM-PUR-MPS)
- Procurement Hub (MM-PUR-HUB)
- Purchase Orders (MM-PUR-PO)
- Purchase Requisitions (MM-PUR-REQ)
- Purchasing Content (MM-PUR-CNT)
- RFQ/Quotation (MM-PUR-RFQ)
- Self-Service Procurement (MM-PUR-SSP)
- Service Procurement (MM-PUR-SVC)
- Sources of Supply (MM-PUR-SQ)
- Sourcing Project/Quotation (MM-PUR-SPQ)
- Vendor Outline Agreements (MM-PUR-OA)
- Vendor-Material Relationships and Conditions (MM-PUR-VM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Subsequent Settlement (MM-PUR-VM-SET)
ID: HLA0001533
T-Code | Description | Tables |
MEB0 | Reversal of Settlement Runs | 33 |
MEB1 | Create Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.) | 291 |
MEB2 | Change Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.) | 291 |
MEB3 | Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.) | 291 |
MEB4 | Settlement re Supplier Rebate Arrs. | 2 |
MEB5 | List of Supplier Rebate Arrangements | 2 |
MEB6 | Bus Vol. Data, Supplier Rebate Arrs. | 37 |
MEB7 | Extend Supplier Rebate Arrangements | 38 |
MEB8 | Det. Statement, Supplier Rebate Arr. | 2 |
MEB9 | Stat. Statement, Supplier Reb. Arrs. | 37 |
MEBA | Comp. Suppl. BV, Supplier Reb. Arr. | 47 |
MEBABW | Delta Init for BI-Extraction | 47 |
MEBB | Check Open Docs., Supplier Reb. Arr. | 3 |
MEBC | Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett. | 36 |
MEBE | Workflow Sett. re Supplier Reb. Arr. | 34 |
MEBF | Updating of External Busn. Volumes | 53 |
MEBG | Chg. Curr. (Euro), Supp. Reb. Arrs. | 36 |
MEBH | Generate Work Items (Man. Extension) | 34 |
MEBI | Message, Subs.Settlem. - Settlem.Run | 36 |
MEBJ | Recompile Income, Supplier Reb. Arr. | 45 |
MEBK | Message., Subs. Settlem.- Arrangment | 36 |
MEBM | List of settlement runs for arrngmts | 35 |
MEBS | Stmnt. Sett. Docs., Supp. Reb. Arrs. | 34 |
MEBT | Test Data: External Business Volumes | 51 |
MEBV | Extend Rebate Arrangements (Dialog) | 291 |
MER4 | Settlement re Customer Rebate Arrs. | 2 |
MER5 | List of Customer Rebate Arrangements | 2 |
MER6 | Busn. Vols., Cust. Reb. Arrangements | 37 |
MER7 | Extension of Cust. Reb. Arrangements | 38 |
MER8 | Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs. | 2 |
MER9 | Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats. | 37 |
MERA | Comp. Suppl. BV, Cust. Rebate Arrs. | 47 |
MERABW | Delta Init for BI Extraction | 47 |
MERB | Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr. | 2 |
MERE | Workflow: Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs. | 34 |
MERF | Updating of External Busn. Volumes | 53 |
MERG | Change Curr. (Euro) Cust. Reb. Arrs. | 36 |
MERH | Generate Work Items (Man. Extension) | 34 |
MERJ | Recomp. of Income, Cust. Reb. Arrs. | 45 |
MERS | Stmnt. Sett. Docs. Cust. Reb. Arrs. | 34 |
MEU4 | Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate | 138 |
MEU5 | Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate | 138 |
OMHA | Cr. Vol. Rebate Cond. Table (Purch.) | 81 |
OMHB | Change Volume Rebate Table: Purch. | 81 |
OMHC | Cond. Table: Display Rebate (Purch.) | 81 |
OMHW | - | 4 |
VP01_NA | Print Parameter Maint. Subs. Sett. | 5 |
VP01_PNA | Maintain print parameters | 5 |
WMN9 | Subsequent Settlement Control | 1 |
WMNE | Process Worklist | 49 |
WWN1 | Create cond.table Subs.Sett-SettlRun | 81 |
WWN2 | Chng Cond Table. Subs.Settl-SettlRun | 81 |
WWN3 | Displ.Cond.Table Subs.Settl.-SettRun | 81 |
WWNA | Subs.Settl. -SettRun: Create Cond.S. | 135 |
WWNB | Subs. Settl.-Sett.Run: ChangeCond.S. | 135 |
WWNC | Subs. Settl. SettRun: DisplayCond.S. | 135 |
WWS1 | Create CondTab. Subseq.Settlement | 81 |
WWS2 | Change CondTab. Subseq. Settlement | 81 |
WWS3 | Display CondTab Subseq. Settlement | 81 |
WWSA | Subseq.Settle.: Create Cond. Records | 135 |
WWSB | Subseq.Settle.:Change Cond. Records | 135 |
WWSC | Subseq.Settle.: Display Cond.Records | 135 |
AEAN | Trigger Group Message Determination | 0 |
MEBR | Archive Rebate Arrangements | 0 |
MEU0 | Assign User to User Group | 0 |
MEU2 | Perform Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate | 0 |
MEU3 | Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate | 0 |
MYB3 | Bus. Volume Comparison Type Purchas. | 0 |
MYB4 | Bus.Vol. Tolerance Group Purchasing | 0 |
MYB5 | User Settings, Subsequent Settlement | 0 |
OMFH | C MM-PUR Find Calc. Schema - Rebate | 0 |
OMHD | Arrangement Type: Purchasing | 0 |
OMHE | Overview of Condition Type Groups | 0 |
OMHF | Assign Cond. Type Group - Cond. Type | 0 |
OMHG | Assign Arrangement Type - Cond. type | 0 |
OMHH | Purchasing Selections | 0 |
OMHI | Conditions: View Seq. F, M, Rebate | 0 |
OMHX | Plant for company code (sbq. sttlmt) | 0 |
OMKB | Conditions: Rebate - Allowed Fields | 0 |
S_ALR_87100135 | - | 0 |
S_P99_41000186 | - | 0 |
TOAOM_C | Links for Content Repositories | 0 |
TOAVE | Global document types | 0 |
WK00 | Subsequent settlement | 0 |
WMN1 | Aggregation and Sorting Sequence | 0 |
WMN2 | Maintain usage (sort, summarization) | 0 |
WMN5 | Maintain, Assign User Groups | 0 |
WMNB | Create Worklist (Subseq. Settlement) | 0 |
WMNM | Object Usages for Object Category | 0 |
WMNO | Define Object Types | 0 |
WMNV | Object Usages for Object Category | 0 |
WWN4 | Mssg Access Seq. Subs.Sett. SettlRun | 0 |
WWN6 | Message Schema (Sub.Settl. -SettRun) | 0 |
WWN9 | Mssg Procc.Progr. Subs.Settl.SettRun | 0 |
WWND | Output Partner Arrngmt - Setlmt Run | 0 |
WWNZ | Subs.Settlem. SetRun - Allowed Field | 0 |
WWS4 | Mssg AccessSeq. Subseq. Settlement | 0 |
WWS6 | Message Schema (Subseq. Settlement) | 0 |
WWS9 | Message Proc. Progr.Subseq.Settlemnt | 0 |
WWSD | Output Partners, Arrangements | 0 |
WWSZ | Subseq. Settle. - Allowed Field | 0 |