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- Treasury and Risk Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM)
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- Treasury (TR)
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Treasury and Risk Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM)
ID: KFM0000001
Table | Description |
TFFILE | Upload data file |
TRTM_CHG_PARTNER | Treasury: Change partner |
FXM_BSR | Balance Sheet Exposure Hedge Request |
TOET_PLAN_EL_IT | Planing Element Item |
TOET_FLOW | Organized Exposure Flows |
TREAT_STATEM_HDR | Clearing Account Statement Header |
TPIT_TRADE_REQ | Trade Request |
TOET_EXP_ITEM | Organized Exposure Items |
TOET_PLAN_EL | Planning Elements |
TREAT_MLM_RESULT | Treasury: Margin Limit Result Entity |
TREAT_NOVATION | Treasury: Novation |
TREAT_ASSIGNMENT | Treasury: TREA Assignment |
FXM_SNAP | Snapshot (Balance Sheet FX Risk) |
TRCCT_TRANS | Currency Changeover Transaction |
VZZKOKO | Table condition header |
TREAT_FLOW | Treasury: TREA Flows |
TREAT_CASH_POS | TREA: Cash Position |
TREAT_FUT_DIFF | Treasury: TREA Differentiation for Deal Position |
TOET_DESIG_ACTIV | Activation of Designation |
TREAT_FHA_DIFF | Treasury: TREA Differentiation for Deal Position |
TOET_DESIG_LEVEL | Level of Designation |
TREAT_KEY_FIGURE | Provides Key Figures for TREA |
FXM_SNAP_ITEM | Snapshot Item (Balance Sheet FX Risk) |
TRPAT_CONTR_MODI | Classifier Transfer Transaction Table |
TREAT_POSITION | Treasury: TREA Position |
TPIT_ACTION_HIST | Action History for Trade Requests |
TPIT_FULFILLMENT | Trade Request incl. fulfilled transactions |
TRPAT_POS_CLASS | Position Classifier |
VZZPARO | Partner / Role / Object relationship |
TRPAT_POS_TRANS | Classifier Transfer Transaction Table |
TREAT_STATEM_ITM | Clearing Account Statement Detail |
TRPAT_POS_FLOW | Classifier Transfer Flow Table |
TREAT_MLM_CALRUN | Treasury MLM Calculation Run |
TREAT_SUBTOTAL | TREA: Position Subtotal |
TREAT_MLM_UTILIZ | Treasury: Margin Limit Utilization |
TREAT_MLM_AMOUNT | TREA: Margin Limit Amounts |
VZBAVST | BAV data change - NOT USED |
BCKTRDT_MULTASSG | Multiple Account Assignment of Flows |
TRBAT_DO_REF | Dependent Object Containing References |
TRPAT_LA_LOG | Assignes a LA Calculation Log to a Business Transaction ID |
TZRG | Grouping of external roles (in application) |
VZKNA1 | Collector for batch input KNA1 from RF-VV |
VZGPO | Partner/role object relationship |
TZW01 | Resubmission periods (Deadline reminder) |
TOET_HREQ | Hedge Request (Main Table) |
T037S | Account Assignment References acc. to Transaction Type |
TOET_HA_HREQ | HA: Automated Hedge Request Settings |
TOET_TARGETQUOTA | Target Quota Definition |
SANS1 | Address table |
TRCCT_CURRCHANGE | Currency changeover |
TREAT_CLEAR_ACC | Treasury: Clearing Account Specific Data |
TOET_DESIG_CTRL | Designation Control |
FXM_RP_SEL_PARAM | Request Parameter Selection Parameters |
VZZKOPO | Table condition items |
TOET_DESIG_SPLIT | Designation Splitting |
TZRE | External role |
TOET_HREQ_DEAL | Hedge Request Deals |
TREAT_EXT_ACC | Treasury: External Account General Master Data |
VZPARZA | Partner addit. data (general part) |
TTXBF | Correspondence Interface: Definition of Letter Categories |
TREAT_MLM_SCEN | TREA MLM: Assign Scenario to External Account |
VZKNB1 | Collector for batch input KNB1 from RF-VV |
REGT_DATA_POINTS | Data Points of Regression Calculation |
TOET_HA_MAINDATA | Hedging Area Main Data |
TRPAT_DEF_RATES | Default Rates for LGD and PD Values |
TOET_FIL_DEF | Exposures Filter Definition |
TREATS_MLM_ACTGY | TREA: Amount Categories for MLM Rules |
TOET_HREQ_REL | Hedge Request Relationships |
ATRAS | Treasury Rates Table |
SPKR1 | Partner-Vendor relationship |
TDINTEB | Internal Level of Financial Assets Management |
JBC_CCURVE_TYPE | Commodity Curve Type |
INDEXA | Index types |
TCRC_CSPR_TYPE | Credit Spread Type |
VVZSFELD | Internal transfer structure for VZSFELD |
TRCOCC_QUOTSRC | Commodities: quotation sources |
TRCOCC_QUOTTYPE | Commodities: quotation types |
TREAC_MLM_REASON | TREA: Margin Limit Reason |
TREAC_MLM_SCENT | TREA: Margin Limit Scenarios |
TRPAT_TARGET_STA | Target stage for stage transfer |
TOEC_CLASS | Hedging Classification |
TOEC_HA_AUTH_G | Hedging Area Authorization Groups |
TOEC_HREQ_BASE | Hedge Request Base/Reason |
FXM_KF_DEF | Key Figure Definition |
FXM_KF_GRP_DEF | Key Figure Group Definition |
TYC_REF_ENT_DEF | Reference Unit Definition |
TCRC_CTY_PROVIDR | Market Data Provider for Commodity Forward Rates |
TOET_HREQ_HEADER | HA: Automated Hedge Request Header |
TOET_HA_VERSIONS | Hedging Area Versions |
TOET_HEDGINGAREA | Hedging Area (including Description) |
TOET_SNAPSHOT | Snapshot |
FXM_RP_DEF | Request Parameter Definition |
FXM_RP_GRP_DEF | Request Parameter Group Definition |
TDXBL | Documents not updated which are sent to the R/2 system |
TZRPR | Treasury: Valuation Principles |
VVWKN2 | Allocation of values to value groups |
FTR_FP_DEF | Financial Position Definition |
FTR_FP_GRP_DEF | Financial Position Group Definition |
JBD1 | Yield Curve Types, Header Table |
TDZW | IS-IS: Payment terms with adjustment days |
TW17 | Blocking flag |
TW52 | Market sectors |
TZUNI | Currency units |
TRBAC_ASSIGN | Possible values for field ASSIGNMENT |
TRBAC_CHARAC | Possible values for field CHARACTERISTICS |
TRBAC_INT_REF | Possible values for field "Internal Reference" |
SPBB1 | Partner-Bank relationship |
TD05 | Target group table |
TW01 | Classification of bonds |
TW07 | SCB group |
TW08 | Fin.acctng group |
TW14 | Table for storing offer reasons |
TW50 | Table for possible deposit types |
TW53 | Listing key |
TZB03 | Flow categories |
TZRI | Internal role of partner |
TZV02 | Salutation key |
TZV04 | Key for partner share types in objects |
TZV15 | Key for information in acc. with §18 German banking act |
VWPZUSA | Securities additional information |
VZPARUS | User data central partner and address management |
TD05_AT | IS-IS: ÖNB-Target groups |
TW02 | Type of shareholding |
TW03 | Details about structure of shareholding |
TW11 | Balance sheet indicator |
TW20 | Security category |
TW21 | Funds category |
TW54 | Price notations |
TW55 | Price markdowns |
TZ12 | Changes in net assets |
TZB07 | Flow types relationship key |
TZD1 | Value table for intra-entity loan groups |
TZV03 | Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to |
TZV06 | Internal position/employee group |
ATVO1 | Volatility Types 1 |
T068A | Exchange rate indicators |
TW18 | Customizing table for SCB indicator |
TW56 | Security price type |
TZB09 | Posting control table |
TZFB | Calculation base value table |
TZV11 | Relationship category of partner-partner relationship |
TREAT_FLOW_PM | Treasury: TREA Flow Payment Details |
TREATS_MLM_RULE | TREA: Margin Limit Rule Value |
TOEC_SOURCE | Exposures Source Table |
VZZUSP | Payment splitting |
REGT_REGR_DATA | Parameters & Output Data of Regression Calculation |
TZB0A | Definition of flow types |
INDEXW | Index Values (Secur. Index) |
TREAT_EXT_ACC_PM | Treasury: External Account Payment Details |
TREAT_MLM_PRCLOG | Treasury: Margin Limit Result Procedure Log |
FXM_TCURL_DISP | Display settings for Currency Pairs |
TZ02 | Legal entity |
TZC37 | Financial Assets Management status definition |
REGTS_F_DISTRIB | F Distribution Table |
REGTS_T_DISTRIB | T Distribution Table |
FTVVT_KWG_MD | Master Data for KWG Relevant Business Partners |
TW04 | Legal form (Plc, Corp, Ltd...) |
TZ01 | Table for maintenance of ratings |
TZV01 | Form-of-Address Key |
TZAF | Product categories |
TREATS_MLM_CTGY | TREA: Marging Limit Rule Category |
FXM_KF_SEL | Key Figure Selections |
TOET_LAYOUT_FIL | Filter used within Layout |
TOET_FIL_SEL | Organized Exposure Filter Selections |
TOET_GEN_SEL | Organized Exposure General Selections |
TOET_TIME_GRID | Time Pattern for Target Quota Definition |
TOET_LAYOUT_MAIN | Layout (Main Attributes) |
FXM_RP_SEL_OPTN | Request Parameter Selection Option |
TZST | Reasons for reversal |
FTR_FP_SEL | Financial Poistions Selections |
VZSORT | Sort values for object |
TXV01 | Forms of address key translations |
TZAFT | Product categories text |
TREAC_MLM_SCNT_T | TREA: Margin Limit Scenarios |
INDEXZ | Allocations for datafeed |
TZV07 | Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters |
TZZKD | IS-IS: Business trans./Role alloc. --> Doc.category |
JBDRATEBAR | Deviation range of ref. int. rates depend. on exact time |
TPRZ1 | Partner-Object Relationship |
TTXAD | User data fields per document |
ATPRA | Treasury: Clearing Account for Payment Requests |
THERK | Price source |
TREAC_DFLOWTYPE | Treasury: Specify Update Types for Central Clearing |
TREAC_CLEAR_OPT | Treasury: Cent.Clearing Option per Comp.Code/Prod.Tp/TransTp |
TREAC_EA_POST | Defines in which way flows of an EA should be posted |
TREAC_MLM_COCODE | TREA: Activation of MLM for Company Code |
TRPAC_PS_CL_ODR | Definition of Position Classifier Relevant Settings |
TRPAC_PM_PROC | Changes to pm procedure due to position classifier |
TRPAC_PS_CL_ACT | Activation of the Position Classifier per Acc Code/Val Area |
TOEC_TQ_TYPE | Target Quota Type |
TRCCC_DFTASS | Update Types for Account Assignment Reference for CC |
TYC_CSPRD_DEF | Credit Spread Definition |
FTHMB_COMP_MODE | Assignment of compare mode |
TTMC_COPY_UL | Transfer Administration Fields to Excercise Transaction |
TOET_HDG_AREA | Hedging Area (Header) - obsolete |
THMBUC_PRTYP_ASS | Assignment of Product Type to Hedge Risk Category and CoCode |
TYC_BSPRD_DEF | Basis Spread Definition |
TBACT_MIC_HANDPL | Assignment of Exchange to Market Identifier Code |
THMBUC_HRSTRAT | Default Hedge Strategy for Bucket in Hedge Management |
TFKY3 | Serves as check table (for issuer help-view structure) |
TFKY4 | Serves as check table for depos. bank help-view structure |
TWL2 | Sort sequence lists + control parameters |
TWL2S | Special group key sort sequence |
TWL4 | Output sequence lists + control parameters |
TWL6 | Display sequence (formerly only revenue list, now all) |
TZDEA | Trader register |
TZRCL | Treasury: Valuation Classes |
TZRR1 | Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code Level |
TZRR2 | Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level |
TZWR0 | Valuation in cross-depot |
TZWR1 | Valuation in sec.acct position |
VVWL7 | Context |
VVWL8 | Output sequence |
TCURB | Exchange Rate Calculation Indicator |
TTXBS | Corresp.interface: Letter-module relationship |
FTRC_FS_GEOT005 | Assignment of geo-coordinates to countries |
TRPAS_BTC_PREV | Bustranscat Exceptions for Stage Transfer |
TRPAT_CLEAR_EXC | Exception for Clearing Loss Allowance (Not Affecting P/L) |
JBD15 | Yield Curve Types (Values) |
TDB1 | Flow types for incoming payment rejections |
TZBZ | Company code: Additional data |
TEMP_MD | Temporary market rate data table |
AT32 | Control indicators for financial mathematic calculations |
TZ10 | Customer application type |
TZBBB | Allocation of program-internal flow types |
TZD0B | Darwin: Customer default values per co.cd/trn.type for KNB1 |
TZPAB | Financial Assets Management product types |
TZR3 | Application area / external role allocation |
VZBAV | BAV Data |
SANO1 | Address-object relationship |
TTCPO | Print parameters for each sub-application |
TVZ05 | Inc. Pmnts: Editing per Activity Type (Loans, Real Estate) |
AT56R | Supplements to Analysis System for Table T056R |
TWH01 | Stock exchange table |