- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
- Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
- Additional Functions (FI-AF)
- Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
- Bank Accounting (FI-BL)
- Central Finance (FI-CF)
- Consolidation (FI-LC)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
- Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC)
- Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM)
- Fiori UI for Financial Accounting (FI-FIO)
- Fiori UI for Financials (FIN-FIO)
- Funds Management (FI-FM)
- General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
- Localization (FI-LOC)
- ACR Activities (FI-LOC-VAT)
- Audit Reporting (FI-LOC-AUR)
- Cash Flow Localization (FI-LOC-CF)
- Cash Management (FI-LOC-CM)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-LOC-CA)
- Corporate Income Tax Framework (FI-LOC-CIT)
- Globalization Service: Business Place (FI-LOC-BUP)
- Golden Audit Interface (FI-LOC-GAI)
- Localization Asset Accounting (FI-LOC-AA)
- Localization E-Payment Integration (FI-LOC-EPI)
- Localization Financials (FI-LOC-FI)
- Localization Financials (generic parts) (FI-LOC-GEN)
- Localization Financials EC Sales List (FI-LOC-ECS)
- Localization Financials Statements (FI-LOC-FS)
- Localization Funds Management (FI-LOC-FM)
- Localization Logistics (FI-LOC-LO)
- Localization for Utilities Industry (FI-LOC-UT)
- Payment Receipt (FI-LOC-PR)
- SAF-T Reporting (Generic Part) (FI-LOC-SAF)
- Statutory Reporting (FI-LOC-IS)
- Statutory Reporting Framework (FI-LOC-SRF)
- Tax Invoice Management (FI-LOC-TIM)
- Predictive Accounting (FI-PRA)
- Real-Time Consolidation (FIN-RTC)
- Revenue Accounting (FI-RA)
- S4HANA Financial Consolidation[Cloud] (FIN-CS)
- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
- Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
- Tax Subledger (FI-TXL)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Investment Management (IM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Legal Content Management (LCM)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Transportation Management (TM)
Logistics Brazil (FI-LOC-LO-BR)
ID: EBJ0000114
CDS View | Description |
I_BR_NFExportDeclaration | Brazil Export Declaration Data for NF |
I_BR_NFTexts | Brazil Nota Fiscal Messages |
I_BR_SIMPLESSupplierTaxRate | Brazil Simples Nac Supplier Tax Rate |
I_BR_ANPCode | Brazil ANP Code |
I_BR_CFOPCategory | Brazil CFOP Category |
I_BR_CNAE | Brazilian CNAE |
I_BR_CTeVehicleType | Brazil CT-e Vehicle Type |
I_BR_IssuingType | Brazil Document Issuing Type |
I_BR_NFDocumentType | Brazil Nota Fiscal Document Type |
I_BR_NFFiscalCouponDocModel | Brazil Fiscal Coupon Model |
I_BR_NFFreightNature | Brazil Freight Nature Indicator |
I_BR_NFInfoFieldUsage | Brazil NF Information Field Usage |
I_BR_NFSTitle | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Title |
I_BR_NFTitle | Brazil Nota Fiscal Title |
I_BR_TrailerType | Brazil Trailer Type |
I_BR_VehicleAxlesType | Brazil Vehicle Axles Type |
I_BR_VehicleOwnershipType | Brazil Vehicle Ownership Type |
I_BR_SIMPLESClassCode | Brazil Simples Nacional Class Code |
A_BR_NFAdditionalInformation | Brazil Nota Fiscal Additional Info |
A_BR_NFDocument | Brazil Nota Fiscal |
A_BR_NFePayment | Brazil Nota Fiscal Payment |
A_BR_NFePharmaceutical | Brazil Nota Fiscal Pharmaceutical Item |
A_BR_NFeProductTraceability | Brazil Nota Fiscal Traceability |
A_BR_NFExportDeclaration | BR Export Declaration Data for NF |
A_BR_NFExportDocument | Brazil Nota Fiscal Export Document |
A_BR_NFFuel | Brazil Nota Fiscal Fuel Data |
A_BR_NFHeaderText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Header text |
A_BR_NFImportDocument | Brazil Nota Fiscal Import Document |
A_BR_NFItem | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item |
A_BR_NFItemNVE | Brazil Nota Fiscal NVE Code |
A_BR_NFItemText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item text |
A_BR_NFPartner | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner |
A_BR_NFReferencedProcess | Brazil Nota Fiscal Referenced Process |
A_BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane Deductible |
A_BR_NFSugarCaneSupply | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane Supply Data |
A_BR_NFTax | Brazil Nota Fiscal Tax |
A_BR_NFTradeNote | Brazil Nota Fiscal Trade Note |
A_BR_NFTrailer | Brazil Nota Fiscal Trailer |
A_BR_NFTransportedVolume | Brazil Nota Fiscal Transported Volume |
A_BR_NFVehicle | Brazil Nota Fiscal Vehicle |
A_BR_OneTimePartner | Brazil Nota Fiscal One Time Partner |
A_BR_PartnerPlaceTypeDetn | Brazil Partner Place Type Determination |
A_BR_TechnicalResponsible | Brazil Nota Fiscal Technical Responsible |
C_BR_CFOPCategoryValHelp | Brazil CFOP Category |
C_BR_MaterialOriginValHelp | Brazil Material Origin |
C_BR_MaterialUsageValHelp | Brazil Material Usage |
C_BR_NCMValHelp | Brazil NCM |
C_BR_VerifyNotaFiscal | Brazil Verify Nota Fiscal |
I_Branch | Branch |
I_BR_ANPCodeText | Brazil ANP Code - Text |
I_BR_BCBCountryCode | Brazil Banco Central do Brasil Countries |
I_BR_BillOfLadingType | Brazil Domain for Bill Of Lading Type |
I_BR_BillOfLadingTypeText | Brazil Domain Bill Of Lading Type - Text |
I_BR_CENQText | Brazil IPI Legal Classification - Text |
I_BR_CESTDetermination | Brazil ICMS ST Legal Classification Code |
I_BR_CESTText | Brazil ICMS ST Classification - Text |
I_BR_CFOPCategoryText | Brazil CFOP Category - Text |
I_BR_CFOPText | Brazil Nota Fiscal CFOP - Text |
I_BR_CNAEText | Brazil CNAE - Text |
I_BR_CollectionPaymentForm | Brazil Payment Form Indicator |
I_BR_CollectionPaymentFormText | Brazil Payment Form Indicator - Text |
I_BR_CompanyCode | Brazil Company Code |
I_BR_CompanyCode_C | Brazil Company Code |
I_BR_CreditCardCompany | Brazil Credit Card Company Name |
I_BR_CreditCardCompanyText | Brazil Credit Card Company - Text |
I_BR_CSTMunicipalISSCode | Brazil CST for ISS by Municipality |
I_BR_CSTMunicipalISSCodeText | Brazil CST for ISS Municipality - Text |
I_BR_CTeDocumentType | Brazil CT-e Document Type |
I_BR_CTeDocumentTypeText | Brazil CT-e Document Type - Text |
I_BR_CTeFiscalDocPartner | Brazil CT-e Fiscal Partner |
I_BR_CTeFiscalDocPartnerText | Brazil CT-e Fiscal Partner - Text |
I_BR_CTePartnerServiceTaker | Brazil CT-e Partner Service Taker |
I_BR_CTePartnerServiceTakerT | Brazil CT-e Partner Service Taker - Text |
I_BR_CTeServiceType | Brazil CT-e Service Type |
I_BR_CTeServiceTypeText | Brazil CT-e Service Type - Text |
I_BR_CTeTransportationMode | Brazil CT-e Transportation Mode |
I_BR_CTeTransportationModeText | Brazil CT-e Transportation Mode - Text |
I_BR_CTeVehicleTypeText | Brazil CTe Vehicle Type - Text |
I_BR_DUEType | Brazil Domain for DUE Type |
I_BR_DUETypeText | Brazil Domain for DUE Type - Text |
I_BR_FreightPayer | Brazil Freight in Nota Fiscal |
I_BR_FreightPayerText | Brazil Freight in Nota Fiscal - Text |
I_BR_ICMSBaseDetn | Brazil ICMS Base Determination |
I_BR_ICMSBaseDetnText | Brazil ICMS Base Determination - Text |
I_BR_ICMSExemptionReason | Brazil ICMS Exemption Reason |
I_BR_ICMSExemptionReasonText | Brazil ICMS Exemption Reason - Text |
I_BR_ICMSSTBaseDetn | Brazil ICMS ST Base Determination |
I_BR_ICMSSTBaseDetnText | Brazil ICMS ST Base Determination - Text |
I_BR_ICMSSTExemptionReason | Brazil ICMSST Exemption Reason |
I_BR_ICMSSTExemptionReasonText | Brazil ICMSST Exemption Reason - Text |
I_BR_ICMSTaxSituation | Brazil ICMS Tax Situation |
I_BR_ICMSTaxSituationText | Brazil ICMS Tax Situation - Text |
I_BR_ISSBenefitCode | Brazil Benefit Code for ISS Tax |
I_BR_ISSBenefitCodeText | Brazil Benefit Code for ISS Tax - Text |
I_BR_IssuingTypeText | Brazil Document Issuing Type - Text |
I_BR_ItemTypeText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Type - Text |
I_BR_LC116ByMaterial | Brazil LC116 Determination by Material |
I_BR_LC116ServiceCode | Brazil LC116 Service Codes |
I_BR_LC116ServiceCodeText | Brazil LC116 Service Codes - Text |
I_BR_MaterialOrigin | Brazil Material Origin |
I_BR_MaterialOriginText | Brazil Material Origin - Text |
I_BR_MaterialUsage | Brazil Material Usage |
I_BR_MaterialUsageText | Brazil Material Usage - Text |
I_BR_NBSCode | Brazil Nomenclature of Services |
I_BR_NBSCodeText | Brazil Nomenclature of Services - Text |
I_BR_NCM | Brazil NCM |
I_BR_NCMText | Brazil NCM - Text |
I_BR_NFAdditionalInformation | Brazil Nota Fiscal Additional Info |
I_BR_NFAdditionalInformation_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Additional Info |
I_BR_NFAdditionImportDoc_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Import Document |
I_BR_NFAdministration_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Administrative Data |
I_BR_NFCollection_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Collection |
I_BR_NFDirection | Brazil Nota Fiscal Direction |
I_BR_NFDirectionText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Direction - Text |
I_BR_NFDocument | Brazil Nota Fiscal Document Data |
I_BR_NFDocumentFlow_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Document Flow |
I_BR_NFDocumentTypeText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Document Type - Text |
I_BR_NFeActive | Brazil Electronic Nota Fiscal Active |
I_BR_NFeCustomerPresence | Brazil NFe Customer Presence |
I_BR_NFeCustomerPresenceText | Brazil NFe Customer Presence - Text |
I_BR_NFeDestination | Brazil NFe Destination |
I_BR_NFeDestinationText | Brazil NFe Destination - Text |
I_BR_NFeDocumentStatus | Brazil NFe Document Status |
I_BR_NFeDocumentStatusText | Brazil NFe Document Status - Text |
I_BR_NFeIntermediatorTrans | Intermediator Transaction Description |
I_BR_NFeIntermediatorTransText | Intermediator Transaction Description Text |
I_BR_NFeItemRule | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Type Rules |
I_BR_NFElectronic_C | Brazil Electronic Nota Fiscal Data |
I_BR_NFeModText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Modelo 1 and 2 - Text |
I_BR_NFePayment | Brazil NFe Payment Data |
I_BR_NFePharmaceutical | Brazil Nota Fiscal Pharma Items |
I_BR_NFeProductTraceability | Brazil NFe Product Traceability |
I_BR_NFeVehDENATRANColor | Brazil NFe Vehicle DENATRAN Color |
I_BR_NFeVehDENATRANColorText | Brazil NFe Vehicle DENATRAN Color - Text |
I_BR_NFExportDocument | Brazil Nota Fiscal Export Document |
I_BR_NFFiscalCouponDocModelTxt | Brazil Fiscal Coupon Model - Text |
I_BR_NFFreeUsageAddlInfo_C | Brazil NF Free Usage Additional Info |
I_BR_NFFreightNatureText | Brazil Freight Nature Indicator - Text |
I_BR_NFFuel | Brazil Nota Fiscal Fuel |
I_BR_NFHeaderText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Texts |
I_BR_NFInfoFieldUsageText | Brazil NF Information Field Usage - Text |
I_BR_NFIsCreatedManually | Brazil Nota Fiscal Created Manually Ind |
I_BR_NFIsCreatedManuallyText | Brazil NF Created Manually Ind - Text |
I_BR_NFIssuer | Brazil Nota Fiscal Issuer |
I_BR_NFIssuerText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Issuer - Text |
I_BR_NFItem | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item |
I_BR_NFItemBrief_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Brief |
I_BR_NFItemCostInformation_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Costing |
I_BR_NFItemDocumentFlowFirst_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal First Item |
I_BR_NFItemExportDocument_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Exportation |
I_BR_NFItemFuel_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Fuel |
I_BR_NFItemMessage_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Messages |
I_BR_NFItemOtherTotal_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Other Total |
I_BR_NFItemTaxByItem_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Tax by Item |
I_BR_NFItemTax_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Tax |
I_BR_NFItemVehicle_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Vehicle |
I_BR_NFItemVINCondition | Brazil VIN Condition Indicator |
I_BR_NFItemVINConditionText | Brazil VIN Condition Indicator - Text |
I_BR_NFMessage | Brazil Nota Fiscal Messages |
I_BR_NFMessage_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Messages |
I_BR_NFModel | Brazil Nota Fiscal Model |
I_BR_NFModelText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Model - Text |
I_BR_NFPartner | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner |
I_BR_NFPartnerType | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner Type |
I_BR_NFPartnerTypeText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner Type - Text |
I_BR_NFPartnerWthMainPartner_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner |
I_BR_NFPartner_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner |
I_BR_NFReferencedProcess | Brazil Nota Fiscal Referenced Process |
I_BR_NFReferencedProcess_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Referenced Process |
I_BR_NFReferencedProcOrign | Brazil NF Referenced Process Origin |
I_BR_NFReferencedProcOrignText | Brazil NF Referenced Proc Origin - Text |
I_BR_NFReferenceMessage | Brazil Nota Fiscal Reference Messages |
I_BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane Deductible |
I_BR_NFSugarCaneDeductible_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane Deductible |
I_BR_NFSugarCaneSupply | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane Supply |
I_BR_NFSugarCaneSupply_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane Supply |
I_BR_NFSugarCane_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Sugarcane |
I_BR_NFTax | Brazil Nota Fiscal Taxes |
I_BR_NFTaxRegimenCode | Brazil NF Tax Regimen Code |
I_BR_NFTaxRegimenCodeText | Brazil NF Tax Regimen Code - Text |
I_BR_NFTaxTotal_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Tax Total |
I_BR_NFTextsAggregation | Brazil Nota Fiscal Texts Aggregation |
I_BR_NFTextsCompatibility | Brazil Compatibility Nota Fiscal Texts |
I_BR_NFTextSource | Brazil nota fiscal text source |
I_BR_NFTextSourceDesc | Brazil nota fiscal text source desc |
I_BR_NFTextType | Brazil Nota Fiscal Message Types |
I_BR_NFTextTypeDescription | Brazil NF Message Type Description |
I_BR_NFTradeNote | Brazil Nota Fiscal Trade Note |
I_BR_NFTradeNote_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Trade Note |
I_BR_NFVehicleType | Brazil Nota Fiscal Vehicle Type |
I_BR_NFVehicleTypeText | Brazil NF Vehicle Type - Text |
I_BR_OneTimePartner | Brazil Nota Fiscal One Time Partner |
I_BR_PartnerFunctionVH | Brazil Partner Function |
I_BR_PartnerPlaceType | Brazil Partner Place Type |
I_BR_PartnerPlaceTypeDetn | Brazil Partner Place Type Detn |
I_BR_PartnerPlaceTypeText | Brazil Partner Place Type - Text |
I_BR_PaymentForm | Brazil Payment Form Indicator |
I_BR_PaymentFormText | Brazil Payment Form - Text |
I_BR_PaymentIntegrationType | Brazil Payment Integration Type |
I_BR_PaymentMethod | Brazil Payment Method |
I_BR_PaymentMethodText | Brazil Payment Method - Text |
I_BR_PaytIntegrationTypeText | Brazil Payment Integration Type - Text |
I_BR_Plant_C | Brazil Plant Composite |
I_BR_PurchaseNCMText | Brazil NCM - Text |
I_BR_REINFByMaterial | BR EFD REINF Determination by Material |
I_BR_REINFServiceCode | Brazil EFD REINF Service Code |
I_BR_REINFServiceCodeText | Brazil EFD REINF Service Code - Text |
I_BR_StateTaxNumberST | Brazil State Tax Number (IE) for SubTrib |
I_BR_TaxType | Brazil Tax Type |
I_BR_TechnicalResponsible | Brazil Technical Responsible |
I_BR_TrailerTypeText | Brazil Trailer Type Text |
I_BR_VehicleAxlesTypeText | Brazil Vehicle Axles Type Text |
I_BR_VehicleCondition | Brazil Vehicle Condition |
I_BR_VehicleConditionText | Brazil Vehicle Condition - Text |
I_BR_VehicleFuelType | Brazil Vehicle Fuel Type |
I_BR_VehicleFuelTypeText | Brazil Vehicle Fuel Type - Text |
I_BR_VehicleOperationType | Brazil Vehicle Operation Type |
I_BR_VehicleOperationTypeText | Brazil Vehicle Operation Type - Text |
I_BR_VehicleOwnershipTypeText | Brazil Vehicle Ownership Type Text |
I_BR_VehicleRestriction | Brazil Vehicle Restriction |
I_BR_VehicleRestrictionText | Brazil Vehicle Restriction - Text |
I_BR_VehicleUsage | Brazil Vehicle Usage |
I_BR_VehicleUsageText | Brazil Vehicle Usage - Text |
C_Br_VerifyCTe | Brazil Verify CT-e |
C_BR_VerifyNFS | Brazil Verify Service Nota Fiscal |
I_BR_NFAdditionImportDoc | Brazil Nota Fiscal Additional Import Doc |
A_BR_NFAdditionImportDoc | Brazil NF Import Document Additions |
I_BR_BusinessPlace | Brazil Nota Fiscal Business Place |
I_BR_BusinessPlace_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Business Place |
I_BR_CompanyCode_SH | Brazil Company Code |
I_BR_ControllingArea | Brazil Controlling Area |
I_BR_CostCenterText | Brazil Cost Center - Text |
I_BR_CostObjectText | Brazil Cost Object Text |
I_BR_CTeDocStatCriticality_C | Brazil CT-e Document Status Criticality |
I_BR_CTeMessage_C | Brazil CT-e Messages |
I_BR_Ctenfrefannotations_C | Brazil Referenced Notas Fiscais in CT-e |
I_BR_CteNotaFiscalReference | Brazil CT-e Document Reference |
I_BR_Ctenotafiscalreference_C | Brazil Referenced Notas Fiscais in CT-e |
I_BR_CTePartner_SH | Brazil CT-e Partner |
I_BR_CTeVehicle | Brazil CTe Vehicles |
I_BR_CTeVehicle_C | Brazil CTe Vehicles |
I_BR_Customer | Brazil Customer Data |
I_BR_Domain | Brazil Texts for Domain Values |
I_BR_NFBrief_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Brief |
I_BR_NFBusinessPlace_SH | Brazil Nota Fiscal Business Place |
I_BR_NFImportDocument | Brazil Nota Fiscal Import Document |
I_BR_NFImportDocument_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Import Document |
I_BR_NFItemNVE | Brazil Nota Fiscal NVE Code |
I_BR_NFItemPharmaceutical_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Pharmaceuticals |
I_BR_NFItem_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item |
I_BR_NFPartnerData_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner |
I_BR_NFPartner_SH | Brazil Nota Fiscal Partner |
I_BR_NFPartner_VendCust | Brazil Nota Fiscal Customer and Supplier |
I_BR_NFPharmaceutical | Brazil Nota Fiscal Item Pharmaceuticals |
I_BR_NFSItemDetail_C | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Item Details |
I_BR_NFSItemMessage_C | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Item Messages |
I_BR_NFSItemTaxByItem_C | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Tax by Item |
I_BR_NFSItem_C | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Item |
I_BR_NFSMessages_C | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Messages |
I_BR_NFSType_SH | Brazil Service Nota Fiscal Type |
I_BR_NFS_C | Brazil Service NF Provider / Taker |
I_BR_NFTax_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Taxes Total Values |
I_BR_NFTrailer | Brazil Nota Fiscal Trailer |
I_BR_NFTrailer_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Trailer |
I_BR_NFTransportedVolume | Brazil Nota Fiscal Transported Volume |
I_BR_NFTransportedVolume_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Transported Volume |
I_BR_NFTransport_C | Brazil Nota Fiscal Transport |
I_BR_NFType | Brazil Nota Fiscal Type |
I_BR_NFVehicle | Brazil Nota Fiscal Vehicle |
I_BR_NotaFiscalTypeText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Type - Text |
I_BR_OrderText | Brazil Order - Text |
I_BR_PartnerFunctionText | Brazil Partner Function - Text |
I_BR_Plant | Brazil Plant |
I_BR_ProfitCenterText_C | Brazil Profit Center - Text |
I_BR_PurchaseHistory | Brazil Purchase History |
I_BR_ReferenceTypeText | Brazil Nota Fiscal Reference Type - Text |
I_BR_SaleHistory | Brazil Sale History |
I_BR_ServiceIncomingTypeText | Brazil Service Incoming Type - Text |
I_BR_ServiceOutgoingTypeText | Brazil Service Outgoing Type - Text |
I_BR_TaxJurisdictionText | Brazil Tax Jurisdiction Code - Text |
I_BR_TaxJurisdictionText_C | Brazil Tax Jurisdiciton Composite - Text |
I_BR_TaxLawCOFINSText | Brazil COFINS Tax Law - Text |
I_BR_TaxLawICMSText | Brazil ICMS Tax Law - Text |
I_BR_TaxLawIPIText | Brazil IPI Tax Law - Text |
I_BR_TaxLawISSText | Brazil ISS Tax Law - Text |
I_BR_TaxLawPISText | Brazil PIS Tax Law - Text |
I_BR_TaxSituationCOFINSText | Brazil COFINS Tax Situation - Text |
I_BR_TaxSituationIPIText | Brazil IPI Tax Situation - Text |
I_BR_TaxSituationISSText | Brazil ISS Tax Situation - Text |
I_BR_TaxSituationPISText | Brazil PIS Tax Situation - Text |
I_BR_TaxTypeText | Brazil Tax Type - Text |
I_BR_SIMPLESClassCodeText | Brazil Simples Nac Class Code - Text |
I_BR_SITAccountDetermination | Brazil SiT Account Determination |
I_BR_NFASeries | Brazil Electronic NFA Series |
I_BR_NFADefinitions | Brazil Electronic NFA Definitions |