Withholding Tax Reporting (FI-AP-AP-Q1)

ID: EBJ0000134
Table Description
FIWT_MWHTI_CHD Log: Withholding Tax Reporting Date Changes
CIS_VF_EXT Extension Table for CIS Sub contractors
FIWTIE_RCT_SIN Table for storing SIN and Site Address
FIWT_PARTNR_EXM Table for Vendor specific threshold amounts
FIWTJPI_STATUS Collection Status (Japan)
J_1ICO_VENDDET Columbia: Monthly data for freelancers/vendors
IDWT_COND_CHK Condition check table for WT generic tool
J_11042S_US Authority for Exemption/Reason for Exemption (US)
FIWT_TAX_AMOUNT Table to maintain withholding tax amounts
FIWTGB_WHT_KEY Maintain withholding tax key and threshold limit