Business Planning and Consolidation (EPM-BPC)

ID: /CPMB/KP11000002
Table Description
UJX0_AT_EXEC AT execution overview table
UJ0_UT_FLOG BPC: Unit Test File Change Log
UJ0_UT_DETAIL BPC:Unit test report details
UJX0_AT_RESULT AT Result table
UJX0_AT_TESTCASE BPC: automation test test case table
UJX0_AT_TESTLOG BPC: automation test test case record logs table
UJX0_TMP_REC BPC: automation test temp record list table
UJ0_UT_FILE BPC: Unit Test Files
UJXA_JOB_INFO BPC: Basic information regarding the ongoing jobs
UJO2_ENGINE_LIST Registered Query Engines and their priorities
UJX0_USER_REC BPC: automation test user recordable and sequence list table
UJR_PARAM BPC: Application specific customer info
UJXA_JOB_INFOT Message information for the jobs