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Data Quality Management for SAP (EIM-DQM-SAP)
ID: /FLDQ/OQ20000002
Table | Description |
/FLDQ/AD_CHKSTAT | Table to temporarily hold the check status values |
/FLDQ/HNACLNSOUT | DQM for SAP output table for transactional cleanse TASK |
/FLDQ/HNACLNSTSK | DQM for SAP input table for transactional cleanse TASK |
/FLDQ/AD_ERRQTR | Table to store address errors generated during RSADRQU2 |
/FLDQ/INT_STATES | track state of rsadrini options |
/FLDQ/HNASUGGTAB | DQM for SAP suggestion list table for transactional TASK |
/FLDQ/HNAGEOOUT | Output table for GEO Task |
/FLDQ/AD_ERRLOG | Table to Log technical errors |
/FLDQ/HNA_CONFIG | Hana Country Specific PV Configuration Top Table |
/FLDQ/RSADRINI | rsadrini table to stop index pool if error happen |
/FLDQ/CD_MTCRSLT | Match Results table to store results from RSADRINIBM program |
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE | FirstLogic Match Code Index Table |
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH | FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE |
/FLDQ/AD_PUPDATE | Matchcode Records pending to be updated |
/FLDQ/AD_INI_ERR | Record records which encounter an error in RSADRINI |
/FLDQ/AD_INI_IDX | Copy of Shadow Table /fldq/ad_mtc_sh |
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH2 | FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE |
/FLDQ/HNA_BM_IN | HANA task Batch Match and INI Input Records |
/FLDQ/AD_DT_REG | Regions difference table |
/FLDQ/ADR_RVW_BT | Button options for the Address Reviewer |
/FLDQ/AD_AODSMAP | Map AOF package versions to valid DS versions |
/FLDQ/ADCRTMCSRV | Available generic duplicate check create match code services |
/FLDQ/ADMTCSRV | Available generic duplicate check match services |
/FLDQ/HNACDBMOUT | HANA task Match Result Records |
/FLDQ/AD_CFGPRMS | Maintain Operating parameters |
/FLDQ/AD_ERRMAP | Table to store error codes |
/FLDQ/AD_LOCDSC | Location Codes for RFC calls |
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_DUP | Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display |
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_RVW | Maintain fields for address reviewer |
/FLDQ/AD_SUPPROC | Maintain exception table of transaction codes |
/FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNT | List of supported countries |
/FLDQ/AD_AUT_FNC | Authorization Validation Function mappings |
/FLDQ/AD_ERRCUST | Customer defined error messages |
/FLDQ/AD_MKTGDUP | Marketing Attributes For Use During Duplicate Check |
/FLDQ/AD_QTR_OBJ | Map of objects to transaction for Quarterly Error report |
/FLDQ/AD_SRCHFLD | Fields used in extended fuzzy search |
/FLDQ/AD_ERRCHK | Table identifying error codes to be processed |
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_SUG | Maintain fields and order for address suggestion lists |
/FLDQ/AD_SUGFLD | Fields for rendering Suggestion List Dialog |
/FLDQ/CHK_STATUS | Check DS service status |
/FLDQ/DC_ENABLED | Identify components to standardize |
/FLDQ/DC_NAME | Data Cleanse Name data table |
/FLDQ/DC_NAMEOUT | Data Cleanse Name data table |
/FLDQ/DC_SCR_RVW | Maintain fields for name standardization reviewer |
/FLDQ/DQ_ENCHECK | Check table for possible engine values in /fldq/dq_engines |
/FLDQ/DQ_ENGINES | DQ Engine Assignments |
/FLDQ/E_CHK_STAT | Check DS service status |
/FLDQ/GAC_AL_SC | GAC status codes associated with address line corrections |
/FLDQ/GAC_LL_SC | GAC status codes associated with any last line corrections |
/FLDQ/GAC_SL_SC | GAC status codes associated with secondary line corrections |
/FLDQ/HNA_CFG_CN | DQM on Hana Configuration Countries |
/FLDQ/HNA_CFG_OP | DQM on Hana Configuration Option |
/FLDQ/HNA_CN_OPT | DQM on Hana Country Specific Configuration |
/FLDQ/HNA_PV_PVL | Possible Vlaues for PV on Hana Country Specific Settings |
/FLDQ/HNA_PV_VAL | Possible Vlaues for PV on Hana Country Specific Settings |
/FLDQ/HNATASKMAP | Table to map DQ Process to IM in HANA task ID |
/FLDQ/AD_SRVCS | Available generic duplicate check jobs - Obsolete as of SP2 |
/FLDQ/DQAAS_CFG | DQaaS Configuration Settings |
/FLDQ/HNA_DQENG | Enable/Disable DQ Engine within HANA configurations |
/FLDQ/AD_FUNCS | Data Quality Function For Duplicate Check |
/FLDQ/AD_DUP_MTC | Table to hold match code configuration for a data model |
/FLDQ/AD_DUP_SVC | Map DS Services to a Data Model |