Plant Maintenance using Asset on cloud integration (CA-AIN-PM)

ID: EBJ0000314
T-Code Description Tables
/ACI/EQUI_MAPPER AC Equipment Mapper Link/Delink 35
AIN_CLASS_POST Push EAM Classifications to AIN 23
AIN_DMS AIN DMS: Documents Pull 20
AIN_EQUI_SYNC AIN Equipment Integration 29
AIN_FLOC_SYNC AIN Location Integration 23
AIN_MAPPER AIN: Model Mapper 21
AIN_NOTI_POST Push EAM Notifications to AIN 20
AIN_NOTI_PULL Pull Notifications from AIN 18
AIN_ORDER_POST Push EAM Workorders to AIN 22
AIN_EQUI_CONFIG Equipment: General Configurations 0