Ariba Integration with S/4HANA Sales & Distribution (BNS-INT-ARI-SD)

ID: ER91000476
Table Description
ARBERP_D_SI_SO Inbound Sales Order versioning for inbound messages
ARBERP_D_SO_CONF SD order confirmation versioning table for outbound messages
ARBERP_D_SO_DLV SD outbound delivery versioning table for outbound messages
ARBERP_D_SO_IVSD SD invoice versioning table for outbound messages
ARBERP_C_SLSAREA Maintain Sales Areas for Customers
ARBERP_C_ORDTYPE Map cXML Order Types to Document Settings
ARBERP_C_CSTMR Map cXML Partners to Customers
ARBERP_C_PARFUNC Map cXML Partners to Customers
ARBERP_C_CUSANID Maintain ANIDs and Bill To Adress IDs for Customers
ARBERP_C_SHPANID Assign Shipping Points to ANIDs