Retention Warehouse (BC-ILM-RW)

ID: ABA0000551
Table Description
IWP_LR_SEL_FIELD Local Reporting Selection Criteria fields
IWP_HDB_RP ILM Reporting Package/Perspective
IWP_WP_LOG Log for Backgroundprocessing
IWP_HDB_VIEW_MAP Contains mapping of package's structures to HANA views
IWP_HDB_QUERY_V Contains mapping of Reporting package to Query Views
IWP_WP_JOB Jobs for the Backgroundprocessing
IWP_WP_STRUCT Describtion: Tables of an Audit Package
IWP_WP_IOBJ InfoObjects of an Audit Package
IWP_WP Audit Packages
IWP_WP_IPRV InfoProviders of an Audit Package
IWP_HDB_URI_LOAD Audit Package URI Structure Loadstat
IWP_DB_AREA Audit Areas
IWP_DB_AREA_ND Hierachy of the audit area
IWP_DB_REPOS Retention Warehouse: Repository
IWP_WP_URI Audit Package URI
IWP_HDB_URI_ID Resource Identifier Dictionary
IWP_DB_SET Set of tables
IWP_WP_PATH Paths of an Audit Package
IWP_DB_REPOST Retention Warehouse: Repository Description
IWP_WPT Work Package Texts
IWP_DB_SET_F Fields of the set
IWP_GEN_CONFIG Configuration of BI extraction
IWP_GEN_SETTINGS Define Settings for Parallelization
IWP_IOBJ_CUST Definition of Customer specific Infoobjects
IWP_TRANS_ATTRIB Transferattributes of a table
IWP_HIER_PROP Properties of a hierarchy
IWP_IOBJASS Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJASS_CP Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies)
IWP_IOBJA_PT Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJA_PT_CP Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies)
IWP_IOBJ_CUST_CP Definition of Customer specific Infoobjects (copies)
IWP_KEYMOD Adoption of the key field order
IWP_NAV_ATTR Definition of Navigational Attributes for Master Data
IWP_NAV_ATTR_VP Definition of Navigational Attributes for Virtual Providers
IWP_TABTYP Table attributes
IWP_TEXTTAB Assignment of Texttables to Definitiontables
IWP_WPP Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_F Fields of an Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_R Relations of an Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_S Structures of an Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_V Views of an Audit Package Template
IWP_PARA Application Parameters
IWP_TABLE_DIR Directory of generated tables for data transfer
IWP_IOBJA_APT Definition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJA_APT_CP Definition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobj. (copies)
IWP_CONF_MESSAGE Adopt Messages in Message Log
IWP_PERIOD_TABLE Table where keyfigures are period based (example 'GLT0')
IWP_HDB_TAB_GEN Stores HDB name, schema and package information
IWP_WP_HDB_GEN Stores HDB name, schema and package information
IWP_HDB_CUST Customizing for generating ILM content on HANA