I18N Unicode (BC-I18-UNI)

ID: B200001833
Table Description
UMGXMLFILES SUMG: R3load log names
UMG_TEST_G Test table
UMG_TEST_R Test table
UMGR3LLOG r3load log for sumg
CONTAINERINFO Collection of all Container Fields
UMGPMCNV Reprocess Log Entries
UMGEXCEP SPUMG: Exception table to UMGCCTL
UMGPMDII Additional Information for UMGPMIC
UMGPMDIT Export / Import Table for SPUMG System Vocabulary
UMGCONTAINER Container field definitions for Unicode conversions
UMGPMIG Worklist for Scan Levels
UMGCHARSTATLOG Lists tables that were used for updating character statistic
UMGCHAR3STAT SPUMG character triple statistic for different language
UMGCHAR4STAT SPUMG character statistic for different language
UMGCONDITION SPUMG+SUMG Hint Management: Condition
UMGSEP Word separators
UMGSEPCP Codepages used generating entries in UMGSEP and UMGCOMCHAR
UMGCHAR1STATR Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHAR2STATR SPUMG character pair statistic for different language
UMGCHAR3STATR SPUMG character triple statistic for different language
UMGCHAR4STATR SPUMG character statistic for different language
UMGCCTL SUMG + SPUMG: Codepage conversion control table
UMGLANGCP SPUMG: Language <-> Codepage Assignments
UMGCHAR1STAT Character statistics for different languages
UMGCHAR2STAT SPUMG character pair statistic for different language
UMGLNOCP SPUMG: Languages that are not assigned to a single unique CP
UMGVOCABASSIGN SPUMG: The classes for assigning vocabulary
UMGTWININDX Log for INDX changes
UMGWORDLIST SPUMG Hint Management: Word list
UMGSETTING Unicode conversion Tool: Settings (obsolete)
UMG_TEST_Q Test table
UMG_TEST_T Unicode Conversion: Table for Testing in short Pool
UMG_TEST_U Unicode Conversion: Table for Testing safely in short Pool
EWCIAPCLCU Results for Appends and Customer Includes (Customer)
EWCIAPINCU Early Watch: Customer Inc/Append Number of Install. Customer
EWCIAPSECU Early Watch Results for Appends and Customer Incl.