WebServices ABAP Runtime (BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT)

ID: B200004279
Table Description
SRT_UDS_CONFIG User defined search: config with only one table layout
WSRMB_SEQ_HDR_C WSRM sequence header table for consumer role
WSRMB_SEQ_HDR_P WSRM sequence header table for provider role
SRT_SEQ_REORG queue for sequences that can be reorg after termination
SRT_SEQ_WSRM_REL Relationship WSRM sequence to soap sequence for fast access
WSRMB_ID_MAPPING WSRM mapping internal/external sequence ID (unknown flavour)
WSRMB_MSGNR_P WSRMB message number assignments for provider role
SRT_SEQ_QUEUE Soap sequence: assigned queue
SRT_SEQ_QUE_HIST Soap sequence : History of former queues
SRT_SEQ_HDR_STAT soap_sequence header and state info
SPROXMSGREL Link Table XI Message-> Application Object
SRT_SEQ_RTRYCONT soap_sequence header information
WSRMB_SEQ_IA3_C WSRM sequence extension for interaction pattern 3, consumer
WSRMB_SEQ_IA3_P WSRM sequence extension for interaction pattern 3, consumer
SRT_SEQ_RETRY soap_sequence header information
SRT_UDS_CONFIG_M User defined search: mapping external to internal names
TASK_VITA_LOST Administration of Registered Watcher Functions
TASK_VITA_MAIN Administration of Registered Watcher Functions
SRT_WS_MSG_STATE State of WS Message