Data Quality Management API (BC-EIM-DQM)

ID: BYI3001182
Table Description
SIMDQ_TRCLNS_IN IM in HANA input table for transactional cleanse TASK
SIMDQ_TRCLNS_OUT IM in HANA output table for transactional cleanse TASK
SIMDQ_SUGG_OUT IN in HANA suggestion list table for transactional TASK
SIMDQ_TRK_TASK IM in HANA track tasks on Client
SIMDQCLNSINFLD Possible Input Fields for Cleanse
SIMDQ_ADDR_FMT IM in HANA Address Format Options
SIMDQ_CFG_NWCN IM in HANA configuration countrys
SIMDQ_CNTRY_ID IM in HANA cleanse country identification settings
SIMDQ_DQMM_CFG Configure DQMm integration
SIMDQ_DQMM_TABLE Table to hold names of tables associated with DQMm config
SIMDQ_FLD_TYP IM in HANA table field data type
SIMDQ_GTYP_VAL IM in HANA Values for Group Type
SIMDQ_INP_FILTER IM in HANA Filter for input
SIMDQ_INP_MAP IM in HANA input map
SIMDQ_LOG_LEVEL lookup table for log level
SIMDQ_MOD_COL IM in HANA table model column definition
SIMDQ_MOD_DEF IM in HANA table model definition
SIMDQ_MOD_TAB IM in HANA table model table definition
SIMDQ_MTCADDRSTG IM in HANA address settings for the Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTCFIRMSTG IM in HANA firm settings for the Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTCPERSTG IM in HANA person settings for the Match Policy
SIMDQ_MTC_POLICY IM in HANA match policy settings
SIMDQ_NAM_CLNT IM in HANA description table
SIMDQ_OUTP_MAP IM in HANA map of table model field to transform output fld
SIMDQ_PSTL_FMT IM in HANA postal format options
SIMDQ_REG_FMT IM in HANA region format options
SIMDQ_SOURCE_TYP IM in HANA source type values
SIMDQ_SVC_DEF IM in HANA service definition
SIMDQ_SVC_MAP IM in HANA table to map service type to implementation class
SIMDQ_TASK_DEF IM in HANA task definition