Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers (BC-DWB-TOO)

ID: HLB0100157
Table Description
TEST4AD_DRAFT Draft table for entity TEST_4_AD
SMIMCONT1 SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
TEST4AD Test for adjust draft table
TEST_AUTHORS_2 author for bdef test
SHMM_TRC_GLOBAL Shared Memory Monitor Trace: Global Control
SMIMPHNM MIME Repository: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
SCCD_CFG_ELEM SCC: Check Configuration Elements
SCCD_RULE_ELEM SCC: Check Elements
SMIMPHIO MIME Repository: Physical Documents
TPARAAPPL Application Table for TPARA
SCCD_RULE SCC: Check Rules
SMIMLOPR MIME Repository: Properties of Logical Documents
SMIMLORE MIME Repository: Outbound Relationships Between Logical IOs
SMIMLORI MIME Repository: Inbound Relationships Between Logical IOs
SMIMPHHR MIME Repository: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
SMIMLOREPR MIME Folder: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
SMIMLORIPR MIME Folder: Attributes of Incoming Relationships ofn LOIOs
SMIMPHPR MIME Repository: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
SMIMPHRE MIME Repository: Outbound Relationships Between Physical IOs
SMIMPHRI MIME Repository: Inbound Relationships Between Physical IOs
TPARA Directory of Memory IDs
ADIRACCESS Table to store keys for TADIR objects
DEVACCESS Table for development user
SCCD_ASPECT SCC: Check Aspects
SCCD_CONFIG SCC: Check Configurations
BDEF_TEST_TABLE Data base for behavior definition test objects.
SMIMPHF MIME Repository: Files for Physical Information Objects
WBREGISTRY_P Plug-in Tools for ABAP Workbench (WBREGISTRY)
SHMM_TRC_VARIANT Shared Memory Monitor Trace: User Variants
SEU_TEST_TABLE test object
TEST_BOOKS_2 test data model for rap tooling
TEST_CHAPTERS_2 chapter for bdef test
SMIMLOIO MIME Repository: Logical Documents
WBOBJECTT Generic WB object table
SMIMLOIOT MIME Repository: Descriptions of Logical Documents
W3ATTRCX Customer Settings for MiniApps
DELWBCROSS Find Type Group Deletion
T100W Assign Messages to Workflow