Customer Enhancements (BC-DWB-CEX)

ID: HLB0009086
CDS View Description
sycm_aps_i_atc_find_alp Analytical list page test for ATC findings
sycm_aps_c_alp_prio_vh Value help for priority
sycm_aps_c_alp_reftype_vh Value help for referenced object type
sycm_aps_c_atc_overview_s4h Overview chart for S/4HANA projects
sycm_aps_c_usage_root_type_vh Value Help for usage root type
sycm_aps_i_atc_change_person CDS for action to change the responsible person
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_ep ATC findings for EP
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_ep_agg ATC findings for EP aggregated
sycm_aps_i_atc_result_maxdat Max date for atc runseries
sycm_aps_i_scp_cust_objects Customer objects with scope information
sycm_aps_i_scp_for_project Scope aggregated for the project
sycm_aps_i_usage Usage aggregated for project
sycm_aps_i_usage_by_ep Usage aggregated by EP for project
sycm_aps_i_usage_by_object Usage aggregated by object for project
Sycm_Code_Inspector_Content Content for Code inspector
Sycm_Piece_List Custom Code Management: Piece list
Sycm_Piece_List_Header Custom Code Management: Header for piece lists
Sycm_Piece_List_Params Parameters of a piece list
SYCM_PLIST_OBJS_SUBOBJS_WHU Objects and subobjects with fullnames
SYCM_PLIST_OBJS_SUBS_FULLN_WHU Objects and subobjects with fullnames
Sycm_Plist_Objs_With_Subobjs Piece list of objects with sub objects
Sycm_Plist_Subobj Piecelist with sub objects
Sycm_Simplification_Db_View View on simplificationDB without joining customer references
Sycm_Simplification_Item Custom Code Management: Simplification Item
Sycm_Simplification_Notes Note related to simplification items (only)
Sycm_S_Item_Areas Assigned areas of a Simplification Item
Sycm_S_Item_Entry_Points Entry points (transaction/URLs) for a simplification item
Sycm_S_Item_Notes_ci F4 Help - Notes relevant for CI generation report (750 only)
Sycm_S_Item_Notes_Ci_Dbops F4 Help - Notes relevant for DBOPS CI Test
Sycm_S_Item_Notes_Ci_Ddic_Extn F4 Help - Notes relevant for DDic Extensions CI test
Sycm_S_Item_Notes_Ci_Fle F4 Help - notes relevant for FLE CI Test
Sycm_S_Item_Notes_Ci_view_base F4 Help - Notes relevant for View base CI test F4 Help
Sycm_S_Item_Notes_Ci_Where_Usd F4 Help - Notes relevant for WHERE USED CI test
Sycm_S_Item_Packages Packages assigned to a Simplification Item
Sycm_S_Item_Piece_Lists Piece lists of a simplification item
Sycm_S_Item_Status Status assigned to a Simplification Item
Sycm_Available_Note_Appl_Comp SAP Notes with Latest version and application component
Sycm_Available_Sap_Notes Custom Code Analysis: Available SAP Notes
Sycm_Simplification_View Join Simplification DB with SYCM_CUST_REFS, -ENHS and -MODS
Sycm_Available_Sap_Note_Heads SAP Note Heads
Sycm_Notes_In_Sycm Help view for all notes relevant in transaction SYCM
sycm_atc_export_findings ATC fidings for ATC export
SYCM_RELEASE_IDS Available Release IDs
sycm_aps_c_alp_change_categ_vh Value help for change category
sycm_aps_c_alp_check_vh Value help for check titel
sycm_aps_c_alp_note_vh Value help for sap note
sycm_aps_c_alp_otype_vh Value help for object type
sycm_aps_c_alp_pck_vh Value help for package
sycm_aps_c_alp_quickfix_vh Value help for ATC quickfixes
sycm_aps_c_alp_refobj_vh Value help for referenced object name
sycm_aps_c_alp_scope_vh Value help for scope information
sycm_aps_c_alp_sitem_vh Value help for simplification item state
sycm_aps_c_alp_usage_vh Value help for usage information
sycm_aps_c_atc_burndown Burndown chart for ATC findings
sycm_aps_c_atc_check_kind_text Value Help for atc check kind
sycm_aps_c_atc_find_alp Analytical list page test for ATC findings
sycm_aps_c_atc_fnd_by_ep ATC findings for EP
sycm_aps_c_atc_fnd_by_obj ATC findings for EP
sycm_aps_c_atc_package_exclude ATC package limitation for ATC run
sycm_aps_c_atc_package_include ATC package limitation for ATC run
sycm_aps_c_atc_package_option Value help for option to limit ATC packages
sycm_aps_c_atc_series_vh Value Help for ATC run series
sycm_aps_c_check_failure ATC check failures
sycm_aps_c_cust_refs_vh Value Help for references
sycm_aps_c_log display log entries
sycm_aps_c_object_provider_vh Value help for object provider
sycm_aps_c_prj_usg Usage Ids for project
sycm_aps_c_procedure Procedures
sycm_aps_c_project Custom Code Migration - Projects
sycm_aps_c_project_type_vh Value Help for atc check kind
sycm_aps_c_request_text Texts for transport request
sycm_aps_c_sap_objects_usage All objects that are not included in the customer namespace
sycm_aps_c_scope_info_vh Value help for scope information
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_ep Scope for entry points
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_ep_chart Scope for entry points - chart with h-index
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_ep_item Scope for entry points - association target
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_pk Display Objects in Scoping
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_pk_assoc Display Objects in Scoping
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_pk_chart Scope for package - chart with h-index
sycm_aps_c_scp_by_pk_item Scope for packge - association target
sycm_aps_c_scp_overview Overview chart of the scoped objects
sycm_aps_c_target_release_vh Value Help for target release
sycm_aps_c_trans_scenario_vh Value Help for target release
sycm_aps_c_usage Usage aggregated for project
sycm_aps_c_usage_by_procedure Usage aggregated for project
sycm_aps_c_usage_ep_vh Value help Usage - Entry Points
sycm_aps_i_atc_attributes Attribute values
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd all ATC findings
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_api_usages All atc findings of application api usages
SYCM_APS_I_ATC_FND_API_USAG_EP All atc findings of application api usages
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_api_acc Number of ATC findings for application accesses
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_api_ep Number of ATC findings for application accesses
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_db_acces Number of ATC findings for DB application accesses
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_db_ac_ep Number of ATC findings for DB application accesses
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_obj_agg ATC findings for Object aggregated
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_pk_agg ATC findings for EP aggregated
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_by_project ATC findings for the CCM project
SYCM_APS_I_ATC_FND_Dif_DB_AC Number of ATC findings for db access ref.obj type/name
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_dist_api_ac Number of findings for different api accesses
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_dist_obj_ac Number of findings for different obj using apis
SYCM_APS_I_ATC_FND_DIST_OBJ_DB Number of findings for different obj using DB apis
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_dst_api_ep Number of findings for different api accesses
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_dst_obj_ep Number of findings for different obj using apis
SYCM_APS_I_ATC_FND_DS_DBOBJ_EP Number of findings for different obj using DB APIs
sycm_aps_i_atc_fnd_hana ATC Hana findings
sycm_aps_i_atc_message_detail Detail check information for ATC finding
sycm_aps_i_atc_msg_text ATC text provider
sycm_aps_i_atc_msg_text_distin ATC text provider
sycm_aps_i_atc_nr_objs_in_ep Number of objects in entry point
sycm_aps_i_atc_nr_objs_in_pk Amount of different objects in a package
sycm_aps_i_atc_package_exclude Package limitation for ATC
sycm_aps_i_atc_package_include Package limitation for ATC
SYCM_APS_I_ATC_REF_LATEST Latest atc result for run series
sycm_aps_i_atc_result_latest Latest atc result for run series
sycm_aps_i_atc_run_state State for the atc run series
sycm_aps_i_atc_run_state_text ATC run state text
sycm_aps_i_domain_text test
sycm_aps_i_enh_mod_text Text for enhancements and modification
sycm_aps_i_fnd_aggr_dist_api Findings for aggregated different api access
sycm_aps_i_fnd_aggr_dist_dbapi Findings for aggregated different DB api access
sycm_aps_i_fnd_aggr_dst_db_ep Findings for aggregated different DB api access
sycm_aps_i_fnd_agr_dst_api_ep Findings for aggregated different api access
sycm_aps_i_fnd_ag_obj_usng_api Findings for aggregated different objects using apis
SYCM_APS_I_FND_AG_OBJ_US_DBAPI Findings for aggregated different objects using DB apis
sycm_aps_i_fnd_ag_obj_u_api_ep Findings for aggregated different objects using apis
SYCM_APS_I_FND_AG_OBJ_U_DB_EP Findings for aggregated different objects using DB apis
sycm_aps_i_fnd_dif_db_api Number of findings for different db api accesses
sycm_aps_i_fnd_dif_db_api_ep Number of findings for different db api accesses
sycm_aps_i_log_level_text Log level text
sycm_aps_i_note_text SAP notes - text provider
sycm_aps_i_note_url URL for SAP note
sycm_aps_i_prj_field_control Field control for ccm projects
sycm_aps_i_prj_nspace Namespaces form ATC to a CCM project
sycm_aps_i_prj_usg Custom Code Migration - Projects
sycm_aps_i_procedure_type_text Text for usage procedure type
sycm_aps_i_project Custom Code Migration - Projects
sycm_aps_i_project_status Project status text
sycm_aps_i_sap_objects All objects that are not included in the customer namespace
sycm_aps_i_scmon_roottype_text SYCM APP - Texts of Domain SCMON_ROOTTYPE
sycm_aps_i_scp Scope for tadir objects
sycm_aps_i_scp_by_ep Scope for entry points
sycm_aps_i_scp_info_text Scope info text
sycm_aps_i_usage_by_procedure Usage aggregated for project
sycm_aps_i_usage_kind_text Texts of Domain SCMON_ROOTTYPE
sycm_aps_i_usage_type_whitlist Object types occuring in usage log
sycm_aps_i_user User information
Sycm_Plst_Subobj_Download Piecelist with sub objects
Sycm_Simplification_Note_Attr SAP Note details - fallback values if not downloaded
Sycm_Simplificat_Note_Fallback values of locally available notes or fallback otherwise
SYCM_PLIST_OBJS_SUBOBJS Objects and subobjects with fullnames
SYCM_PLIST_OBJS_SUBOBJS_FULLN Objects and subobjects with fullnames