
ATC findings for EP | view: SYCMVCATCFNDBYEP | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Customer Enhancements
Column Name Description
project_id Project ID
entry_point_type Request Entry Point Category Show values
entry_point_name Request Entry Point Name
item_id ATC Technical Item Identificator
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
entry_point_type Request Entry Point Category Show values
scope_information Scope information: In scope / Not in scope Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
priority Priority of finding
check_title Check title
check_message Check message
obj_type Object Type OBJECT
obj_name Object Name in Object Directory SOBJ_NAME
package_name Development package - as string SATC_AC_DEVCLASS
person_responsible Current Processor
note_number null
note_title SAP note title
application_component Application component
referenced_object_type Referenced object type
referenced_object_name Referenced object name
simplification_item_state Referenced object name
link_to_note null
crit_indicator null
additional_information Change category of piecelist items