Material Valuation: Create/Change | Component: Segmentation related data maintenance

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
CKMLPRKEKO Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Header) for Prices
KEKO Product Costing - Header Data
MLHD Material Ledger Document: Header
SGT_CATS Segmentation Structure Fields Table


CKMLKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements)
CKMLKON Assignment of Modification Constants to Acct Assignmt Reason
CKMLPR Material Ledger: Prices
CKMLPRKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Prices
EBEW Sales Order Stock Valuation
MARA General Material Data
MARC Plant Data for Material
MBEW Material Valuation
MCHA Batches
QBEW Project Stock Valuation
SGT_MADKA Segmentation Dependent Valuation data
T001 Company Codes
T001K Valuation area
T001W Plants/Branches
T025 Valuation Classes
T134 Material Types
T149 Valuation type/valuation class
T149A Valuation types for valuation area