Administration Broadcasting to RLP | Component: End User Technology

Transaction Tables

RSRWBINDEX List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks)


RSCURTRT Currency Translation Types
RSHIEDIR Hierarchy Catalog
RSRD_ATTR Broadcasting Framework: Producer/Distributor Attributes
RSRD_ATTR_GROUP Broadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes
RSRD_DISTTYPE Document Types in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_OBJTYPE Object Types Supported in Broadcasting
RSRD_SETTING Broadcasting Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE Nodes from Broadcast Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE_A Attributes for Nodes from Broadcast Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE_T Language-Dependent Attributes for Nodes from Settings
RSRHIEDIR_OLAP OLAP Relevant Information for the Hierarchies
RSZCOMPDIR Directory of reporting components
RSZCOMPIC Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube
RSZELTATTR Attribute selection per dimension element
RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements
RSZELTPROP Element properties (settings)
RSZELTXREF Directory of query element references
RSZGLOBV Global Variables in Reporting
RSZRANGE Selection specification for an element
RSZSELECT Selection properties of an element