
Mass Printing of Statements | Component: Company Pension Scheme Germany

Transaction Tables

P01CBE Active CPS Contributions
P01CBF Notional CPS Contributions
P01CCV CPS Cumulated Future Rights
P01CEE Actual Income CPS
P01CEF Notional Income CPS
P01CGP Vested Entitlements CPS
P01CKA Funded Pension Rights CPS
P01CRP Reimbursement Amounts CPS
P01CST Status Information CPS
P01CUA Vested Pension Rights CPS
P01VA_CBE Reduction Amounts for Actual Contributions CPS
P01VA_CBF Reduction Amounts for Notional Contributions CPS
P01VA_CKA Reduction Amounts for Funded Pension Rights CPS
P01VA_LSTV PEP: Benefits Vector Pension Equalization Payment


PYNOSCREEN Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREEN PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
T549A Payroll areas
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T5DC1 Constants for Company Pension Scheme
T5DCA Entitlements / Benefit Types
T5DF0 Statement Parameters - Basic Settings
T5DF9 Permitted Tables
T5DV2 Entitlement Assignment of Value Types
T5DWP Rules for Final Processing