Execute Actual Distribution | Component: Cost Center Accounting

Transaction Tables

ACDOCA Universal Journal Entry Line Items
ACDOCP Plan Data Line Items
AUAA Settlement Document: Receiver Segment
AUAS Settlement Document: Totals Segment
BKPF Accounting Document Header
COFIS Actual line items for reconciliation ledger
COFIT Totals Records for Reconciliation Ledger
ECMCA SAP Consolidation: Journal Entry Table (Actual)
ECMCT SAP Cons.: Totals Table
FAGLFLEXA General Ledger: Actual Line Items
FBICRC001A ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC001T ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Totals
FBICRC002A ICRC: GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC002T ICRC: GL Accounts: Totals
FBICRC003A ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents
FBICRC003T ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Totals
FILCA FI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
FILCT FI-LC: Global totals table with 2 object tables
FMAVCA Actual line item table
FMAVCT BCS AVC Summary Table (only conditional update!)
FMBDA Actual line item table
FMBDT FM budget totals table (no more updated!)
FMCCAVCA Actual line item table
FMCCAVCT Totals Table
FMGLFLEXA General Ledger: Actual Line Items
FMGLFLEXT General Ledger Public Sector: Total
FMIA Actual Line Item Table for Funds Management
FMIT Totals Table for Funds Management
FMRBA Actual line item table
FMRBT Summary table RIB (no more updated!)
FMUSFGA Actual line item table for US Federal Government.
FMUSFGFACTS1A 4Actual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS1T Summary table
FMUSFGFACTS2A Actual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2T Summary table
FMUSFGT Summary table for US Federal Government
GLFUNCA Actual Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCT Totals Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCU Rollup line item tables with function area for IDES
GLPCA EC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCT EC-PCA: Totals Table
GMAVCA Actual line item table
GMAVCT Summary table
GMIA Actual Line Item Table
GMIT Summary table
TPSL_A01 Records for Delta Extraction
TRACTSLA Actual Line Item Table
TRACTSLT Totals Table
VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
VBPA Sales Document: Partner


CEPC Profit Center Master Data Table
CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area)
FAGL_T889A Document Types with Number Ranges in Planning in Gen. Ledger
FAGL_TLDGRP Ledger Group
FINCS_MAP_RLDNR Mapping of Source Ledger to Consolidation Chart of Accounts
FINSC_CT_DELTA Delta Currency and Valuation Types
FINSC_CURTYPE Currency type
FINSC_LEDGER Universal Journal Entry Ledger
FINS_CO_DOCT_VAR Variant for Mapping CO Bus. Transact. to Document Types
FINS_MPROJECT Mass Data Project: Projects
FINS_MPROJ_STAT Mass Data Project: Status Table
T001 Company Codes
T001W Plants/Branches
T003 Document Types
T022 FI-SL Activity: Fixed Data
T811C Allocations: Cycles
T811F Allocations: Element Table
T811FLAGS Allocations: Global Control Flags
T811K Allocations: Key Fields
T811S Allocations: Segments
T881 Ledger Master
T889 FI-SL Document Types
TCMF6 Error Management IDs (SAP)
TKA01 Controlling Areas
TKA02 Controlling area assignment
TKA07 Fiscal-Year Dependent Version Parameters
TKA09 Basic Settings for Versions
TKEB Management for Operating Concerns (Client-Specific)
TKEBB Management for Operating Concerns (Cross-Client)
TKEDR Characteristic Derivation: Strategies
TKEHIST Upgrade History
TKEL CO-PA ledger
TKEP8 Characteristic group - rows
TKVS CO Versions
TTYP Object Types for Accounting
TVGA Record types for CO-PA
TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations
TVKWZ Org.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization