CO-PA: Currency Enrichment | Component: Profitability Analysis

Transaction Tables

AUAA Settlement Document: Receiver Segment
AUAS Settlement Document: Totals Segment
CKMLCR Material Ledger: Period Totals Records Values
CKMLPP Material Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity
CKMLPRKEKO Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Header) for Prices
KEKO Product Costing - Header Data
TPSL_A01 Records for Delta Extraction
TPSL_AC_RUN_02 KEPSL, add curtp: parameters of productive runs
TPSL_A_UPD_ERR Failed Line Items
VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
VBPA Sales Document: Partner


CEPC Profit Center Master Data Table
CKMLHD Material Ledger: Header Record
CKMLKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements)
CKMLKON Assignment of Modification Constants to Acct Assignmt Reason
CKMLMV001 Procurement alternatives
CKMLMV011F Costing Run: Filter Table for Object List
CKMLPR Material Ledger: Prices
CKMLPRKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Prices
CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area)
EBEW Sales Order Stock Valuation
MBEW Material Valuation
OBEW Valuated Stock with Subcontractor
QBEW Project Stock Valuation
T001 Company Codes
T001W Plants/Branches
TKA01 Controlling Areas
TKA02 Controlling area assignment
TKEB Management for Operating Concerns (Client-Specific)
TKEBB Management for Operating Concerns (Cross-Client)
TKEDR Characteristic Derivation: Strategies
TKEHIST Upgrade History
TKEL CO-PA ledger
TKEP8 Characteristic group - rows
TTYP Object Types for Accounting
TVGA Record types for CO-PA
TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations
TVKWZ Org.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization