Change Orders and Operations | Component: Plant Maintenance

Transaction Tables

AFAB Network - Relationships
AFIH Maintenance order header
AFKO Order Header Data PP Orders
AFRU Order Confirmations
AFRV Confirmation pool
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
OPROL AVO Link to Object List Entry
PMSDO PM organizational data for SD documents
QMEL Quality Notification
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements


AUFK Order master data
COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
EAML_D_LFE_DATA Linear Asset Management - Database
EQUI Equipment master data
IHPA Plant Maintenance: Partners
IHSG Object-Related Permits in Plant Maintenance
ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
MHIO Call Object from Maintenance Order
MHIS Maintenance plan history
MMPT Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan
MPLA Maintenance plan
MPOS Maintenance item
PLWP Allocation of maintenance packages to task list operations
T003O Order Types
T351 Maintenance strategy
T351P Maintenance packages
T352R Maintenance revisions
T399W Maintenance Plan Category Parameter
T430 Operation/Activity control key
TCO43 PP-SFC Order Profile
TQ8T Notification category