
Scheduling overview list form | Component: Maintenance Task Lists

Transaction Tables

AFKO Order Header Data PP Orders
ESSR Service Entry Sheet Header Data
OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
QALS Inspection lot record
QMEL Quality Notification


CRHD Work Center Header
CRID CIM Resource - Entities
EAML_D_LFE_DATA Linear Asset Management - Database
EQUI Equipment master data
IFLOS Functional Location Labels
IHPA Plant Maintenance: Partners
ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
MHIS Maintenance plan history
MMPT Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan
MPLA Maintenance plan
MPOS Maintenance item
SER02 Document Header for Serial Nos for Maint.Contract (SD Order)
T399W Maintenance Plan Category Parameter