Input tax trtmnt: Monthly postings | Component: Real Estate Management

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
BSEG Accounting Document Segment
BSET Tax Data Document Segment
VIEPOS Line items for correction items
VISLID Debit position history
VITAXA Line items for correction items
VITAXD Tax Shares per Real Estate Account Assignment
VITAXR Outflows for correction items


ANLA Asset Master Record Segment
CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area)
T001 Company Codes
T003 Document Types
T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts
T007A Tax Keys
T014 Credit control areas
T030 Standard Accounts Table
T043 Assign Accounting Clerks --> Tolerance Group
TABW Asset transaction types
TABWG Transaction type groups
VIBEAG Outflows for correction items
VIBEAM Allocate assets to correction items
VIBEBE Correction items for input tax treatment
VIBEME Assign rental units to correction items
VIOB01 Business entities
VIVSTI Input tax treatment interface: Records not yet updated