
Land Register: Change | Component: Real Estate Management

Transaction Tables


BP000 Business Partner Master (General Data)
TIVA9 Land Register Sect. II Type of Charges and Restrictions
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TPZ3 BP: Business Partner - Role Category
TZB0A Definition of flow types
TZPA Financial Assets Management Product Types
TZV03 Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to
VIEIGE Owners of real estate objects
VIGB2A Changes in section 2 of land register
VIGB3A Changes / deletions in section 3 of land register
VIGBA1 Section 1 of land register
VIGBA2 Section 2 of land register
VIGBA3 Section 3 of land register
VIGBFLS Parcels of land for property
VIGBSTD Real estate register of land register
VIGBUCH Land register
VIGBZAB Appreciations/deprecations for land register list
VIOB02 Property master data
VZGPO Partner/role object relationship