Master data summary | Component: Loans Management

Transaction Tables

VZZKOKO Table condition header


BP000 Business Partner Master (General Data)
BP011 Employment Data
BP030 BP: Business partner - address
SANS1 Address table
T001 Company Codes
T012 House Banks
T042Z Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
TDP6 File categories
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TZAF Product categories
TZC37 Financial Assets Management status definition
TZK01 Condition types
VDARLOBJ Loan objects relationship table
VDARLSIC Collateral for loan (relationship table)
VDGPO Loan: Relationship Partner/Role Object
VDHGRPF Encumbrances on real estate table
VDHOBJ Collateral Objects
VDSDV4 Loan collateral in acc. with BAV/PRF4
VDSDV5 Collateral in securities in acc. with BAV/PRF5
VIGBA3 Section 3 of land register
VIGBUCH Land register
VZBAVV Variable BAV Master Data
VZZKOPO Table condition items