Bal. Sheet Transf. (Single Contract) | Component: Loans Management

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
VDBEKI Flow Data: Document Header for Actual Record
VDBEPP Flow Data - Planned Item
VDKOREF Worklist File for Bal. Sheet Transfer / Acct Assignment Ref.


ISSR_RPI_MFT ISSR: Fixed and Variable Data for Statutory Reporting
T037S Account Assignment References acc. to Transaction Type
TBZ0 BDT Object Parts
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TZAF Product categories
TZPA Financial Assets Management Product Types
VDARLOBJ Loan objects relationship table
VDGPO Loan: Relationship Partner/Role Object
VDHOBJ Collateral Objects
VZBAVV Variable BAV Master Data
VZZKOPO Table condition items