
Create collateral value | Component: Loans Management

Transaction Tables

VZFGD Release data (Informative data for the release procedure)


TDO2 Part of building name
TDO3 Valuation qualification indicator
TDO4 Type of valuation procedure
TDO5 Valuation rating base
TDPZ6 CML Correspondence Role Type
TIV01 External usage types of rental unit
TIV13 Internal usage types for rental unit
TPZ12 Business partner: Application category
TPZ6 BP: Business Partner - Role Type
TZAF Product categories
TZW01 Resubmission periods (Deadline reminder)
VDBLBAW Collateral Value Building Value
VDBLBEWI Administration costs
VDBLBOW Land value collateral value
VDBLEW Revenue value collateral value
VDBLREW Collateral Value Gross Revenue Value per Building Part
VDBLSS Collateral Val. Real Value Other
VDBLSWT Collateral Value Real Value Resid. Prop./Part-Owners.
VDGPO Loan: Relationship Partner/Role Object
VDHOBJ Collateral Objects
VDHOBJBL Determination of collateral value/Expert report of object
VDHOBJGT Object building parts
VIGBFLS Parcels of land for property
VIGBSTD Real estate register of land register
VIGBUCH Land register
VZGPO Partner/role object relationship
VZSORT Sort values for object