IPAC Bulk File Reverse Process | Component: Central Cash Desk Procedure

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
BSEG Accounting Document Segment
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
FMFGT_IPAC_STATS US Federal IPAC interface process status table
FMTC_SCHNO Treasury Confirmation Schedule No status
PAYR Payment Medium File
REGUH Settlement data from payment program
RFDT Accounting Data (INDX Structure)
VBAK Sales Document: Header Data
VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
VBRK Billing Document: Header Data
VBRP Billing Document: Item Data
VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data


FMFGT_PO Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
FMFINCODE FIFM: Financing code
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
KNB1 Customer Master (Company Code)
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
T001 Company Codes
T041C Reasons for Reverse Posting
T042F_FMFG_TC Pmt Method Supp map to ALC and Pmt Office - US Treas Conf