Calculation of Low-Level Codes | Component: Product Data Management

Transaction Tables


CPATYPE Customizing Table for iPPE Alternative Types
CPNTYPE Customizing Table for iPPE Node Type
CPRTYPE Customizing: iPPE Relationships
CPVTYPE Customizing Table for the iPPE Variant Types
MARA General Material Data
MARC Plant Data for Material
MAST Material to BOM Link
PALTID iPPE Alternative: Time-Independent ID and Attributes
PNODID iPPE Node: Identification
POSVID iPPE Variant: Identification
PRELID iPPE Relationship: Time-Independent ID and Attributes
PRPVR Relationship Between Variants: Identification and Attributes
PVCMPD PVS Variant (CMP): Basic Data
PVCMPP PVS Variant (CMP): Component Attributes
STAS BOMs - Item Selection
STVB Bills of Material - Serialization of Posting