Update Change Sequence Graph | Component: Engineering Change Management

Transaction Tables

CCSEQ_NODES Historical Statuses of Objects (Change Sequence Graph)


CLICOMP_DEF Definition of Application Components for iPPE Engine
CPNTYPE Customizing Table for iPPE Node Type
CPRTYPE Customizing: iPPE Relationships
PALTID iPPE Alternative: Time-Independent ID and Attributes
PNODID iPPE Node: Identification
POSVID iPPE Variant: Identification
PRELDEX External Indicator Deleted iPPE Relationships
PRELID iPPE Relationship: Time-Independent ID and Attributes
PRELIDH iPPE Relationship: Additional Table for Effectivity (ECH)
PVSCSQ Change Sequence in the PVS
PVSDEX External Indicator for Deleted PVS/iPPE Objects
PXARCID Table for Archiving Indicators for iPPE Objects
TIMSTMP_TAB Time Stamp Aggregation in iPPE