Settlement Correction Utility | Component: Agency Business Document, Settlement, Revenue Recognition

Transaction Tables

/ACCGO/T_APPDATA Applications links - Contract to Logistics -Appl and Calloff
/ACCGO/T_APPITEM Application Links (Contract to Logistics) Item
/ACCGO/T_CAKITM ACM Contract Item (WBHI Additional Data)
/ACCGO/T_CAKOPTN Contract Optionality
/ACCGO/T_CANC_CC Commodity Contract Cancellation Information
/ACCGO/T_CANC_PL Commodity Contract Cancellations Pricing Lot Information
/ACCGO/T_CAS_CAB Contract Application Document Business data
/ACCGO/T_CAS_CAH CA Application Document Header
/ACCGO/T_CAS_CAI CA Application Document Item..
/ACCGO/T_CNDMAP ABD to Invoice condition type mapping Table
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_OC DPQS Overrides: Characteristics
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_OH DPQS Overrides: Header
/ACCGO/T_DPQS_OR DPQS Overrides: Characteristic Ranges
/ACCGO/T_FEE_ASG Transactional Fee Data
/ACCGO/T_FEE_PPC Prepayments Fee consumption in settlement
/ACCGO/T_GRPLIEN Settlement Group Lien Table
/ACCGO/T_GRP_HDR Settlement Group Header
/ACCGO/T_INTRES Prepayment Interest Calculation Result
/ACCGO/T_KOMK KOMK recording for Settlement display of pricing
/ACCGO/T_KOMP KOMP table for displaying pricing in settl
/ACCGO/T_KOMV KOMV table for displaying pricing in settlement
/ACCGO/T_QF_ASD Quality framework assignment distributions
/ACCGO/T_QR_AP_W Table with details of Q-repository Weights Application Doc
/ACCGO/T_QTOL_HD Quantity and Volume Tolerance Schedules (Header data)
/ACCGO/T_QTOL_IT Quantity and Volume Tolerance Schedules (Item)
/ACCGO/T_STLAMTS Dictionary Table for Settlement Amounts
/ACCGO/T_STLCPRC Settlement calculated (PriceLot) Prices
/ACCGO/T_STLCTNR Settlement Document Container
/ACCGO/T_STLDPQS Settlement Quality/DPQS item table
/ACCGO/T_STLHEAD Settlement header table
/ACCGO/T_STLINV Table for MM invoice of settlement
/ACCGO/T_STLITEM Settlement Item Table
/ACCGO/T_STLLIEN Settlement Lien holder table
/ACCGO/T_STLRCTR Reason Code Transaction table for settlement object
/ACCGO/T_STLSPT Settlement payment split table
/ACCGO/T_STLTOL Settlement tolerance item table
/ACCGO/T_STL_FRT Freight Data
/ACCGO/T_STL_OPT Optionality transactional data at settlement
/ACCGO/T_STL_PP Dictionary Table for Settlement Prepayments
/ACCGO/T_WASH_H Non standard Washout ID header table
/ACCGO/T_WASH_I Item table for Non standard washout process
BKPF Accounting Document Header
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
LIPS SD document: Delivery: Item data
MKPF Header: Material Document
MSEG Document Segment: Material
OIJNOMH Nomination Header
OIJNOMI Nomination Item
OIJ_EL_TICKET_H Universal ticket table
PRCD_ELEMENTS Pricing Elements
PRCD_ELEM_DRAFT Pricing Elements Draft
VBFS Error Log for Collective Processing
WB2_D_COMSUB Trading Contract: commodity sub items
WB2_D_PRASP Trading Contract: pricing aspects
WB2_D_SHD_ITEM Shadow Items
WBHD Trading Contract: Business Data
WBHE Trading Contract: Schedule Lines
WBHI Trading Contract: Item Data
WBHK Trading Contract: Header Data
WBHP Trading Contract: Partner Assignment
WBRK Settlement Management Document Header


/ACCGO/T_BILLDUE Table for Delivery items of Settlement Due for Billing
/ACCGO/T_CS_IDET Credit Sales Information
/ACCGO/T_PRC_DIS Det. Price Info. of Pricing Lots for Shadow Document
/ACCGO/T_STLOPRC Settlement table : Override price
/ACCGO/T_STLPRC Settlement table:Pricing lots used in the settlement documen
/ACCGO/T_TLTYP Tolerance types
KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
LFM1 Vendor master record purchasing organization data
T001W Plants/Branches
WYT3 Partner Functions