Simplified CEA: Calculation of Total Costs | #masterdata | Component: Real Estate Management
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
BUKRS FK Company Code
SWENR FK Business Entity Number
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
Column Name Description
πŸ’² Currency Key (VIOB01.WAERS):
KST_GRALT CEA: Total property costs and development old amount
KST_GRNEU CEA: Total property costs and new amount
KST_BAUALT CEA: Total construction costs old amount
KST_BAUNEU CEA: Total construction costs new amount
KST_SO1ALT CEA: Total costs other costs 1 old amount
KST_SO1NEU CEA: Total costs other costs 1 new amount
KST_SO2ALT CEA: Total costs other costs 2 old amount
KST_SO2NEU CEA: Total costs other costs 2 new amount
KST_SUMALT SCEA: TotCosts total of old amount
KST_SUMNEU CEA: Total costs new amount
KST_OEFALT CEA: Total costs public subsidized old amount
KST_OEFNEU CEA: Total costs public subsidized new amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ANT_OEFF CEA: Total calculated costs share public. subsidized apart. DEC3_2
KST_GRTXT CEA: Calculated total costs property & development costs XTEXT50
KST_BAUTXT CEA: Information total construction costs XTEXT50
KST_SO1TXT CEA: Total costs other costs 1 description XTEXT50
KST_SO2TXT CEA: Total costs other costs 2 description XTEXT50
KST_SUMTXT CEA: Total costs description XTEXT50
KST_OEFTXT CEA: Total costs publicly subsidized description XTEXT50
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Company Code
Business Entity Number
  • Company Code
  • Business Entity Number