Cost Efficiency Analysis Current Expenditure | #masterdata | Component: Real Estate Management
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
BUKRS Company Code
SWENR Business Entity Number
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
Column Name Description
πŸ’² Currency Key (VIOB01.WAERS):
FRKAPTOW1 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom.
FRKAPTSW1 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPZOW1 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm
FRKAPZSW1 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPTOW2 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom.
FRKAPTSW2 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPZOW2 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm
FRKAPZSW2 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPTOW3 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom.
FRKAPTSW3 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPZOW3 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm
FRKAPZSW3 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPTOW4 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom.
FRKAPTSW4 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPZOW4 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm
FRKAPZSW4 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPTOW5 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom.
FRKAPTSW5 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation
FRKAPZOW5 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm
FRKAPZSW5 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation
EIKAPZOW1 CEA:Interest amount own funds publicly subsid.accomm.
EIKAPZSW1 CEA: Interest amount own funds other accommodation
EIKAPZOW2 CEA:Interest amount own funds publicly subsid.accomm.
EIKAPZSW2 CEA: Interest amount own funds other accommodation
EEKAPTOW1 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for pub. auth. accommod.
EEKAPTSW1 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for other accommod.
EEKAPZOW1 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for pub. auth. accommod.
EEKAPZSW1 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for other accommod.
EEKAPTOW2 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for pub. auth. accommod.
EEKAPTSW2 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for other accommod.
EEKAPZOW2 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for pub. auth. accommod.
EEKAPZSW2 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for other accommod.
TSUMME CEA: Repayment amount costs
ABSCHREI CEA: Expense depreciation
ERBBAUBETR CEA: Expenses: Ground rights amount per AU
ERBBAUSOW CEA: Expenses ground rights total
ERBBAUSSW CEA: Expenses ground rights total
ABSGEB_OW CEA: Admin costs depreciation bldg subsidized apartment
ABSGEB_SW CEA: Admin costs depreciation building other apartments
ABSANL_OW CEA: Admin. costs depreciation of grounds/facilities pub. ap
ABSANL_SW CEA: Admin. costs deprec. of grounds & facilities other aps
VERW_WBETR CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
VERW_GBETR CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
VERW_WBGES CEA: Administration costs apartments
VERW_WBSOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
VERW_WBSSW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
VERW_GBGES CEA: Administration costs garage
VERW_GBSOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
VERW_GBSSW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
BETR_GSTOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
BETR_GSTSW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
BETR_WM2BE CEA: Admin costs/operating costs amount per m2/living area
BETR_NM2BE CEA: Admin. costs/operating costs amount per M2 usable area
BETR_GM2BE CEA: Admin costs/oper. costs amount per M2 usage/garage area
BETR_S1OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
BETR_S1SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
BETR_S2OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
BETR_S2SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_WM2BE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_NM2BE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_S1OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_S1SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_GM2BE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_S2OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
INST_S2SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_WOGE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_GAGE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_GWGE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_WOAOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_WOASW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_GAAOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_GAASW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_GWAOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
MIET_GWASW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
SUMME_OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
SUMME_SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart.
Column Name Description
πŸ“ Area Unit (VIOB01.FEINS):
ERBBAUM2 CEA: Expenses ground rights area in AU
BETR_WM2 CEA: Administration costs/operating costs living area
BETR_NM2 CEA: Administration costs/operating costs usable area
BETR_GM2 CEA: Admin costs/operating costs usable area - garage area
INST_WM2 CEA: Administration costs/maintenance costs living area
INST_NM2 CEA: Administration and maintenance costs of usage area
INST_GM2 CEA: Admin costs/maintenance costs usable area or garage
Column Name Description
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
FRKAPTP1 CEA: Repayment % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPZP1 CEA: Interest % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPTP2 CEA: Repayment % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPZP2 CEA: Interest % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPTP3 CEA: Repayment % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPZP3 CEA: Interest % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPTP4 CEA: Repayment % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPZP4 CEA: Interest % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPTP5 CEA: Repayment % outside capital DEC3_2
FRKAPZP5 CEA: Interest % outside capital DEC3_2
EIKAPZP1 CEA: Interest % own funds DEC3_2
EIKAPZP2 CEA: Interest % own funds DEC3_2
EEKAPTP1 CEA: Compensated own fund repayment % DEC3_2
EEKAPZP1 CEA: Expenses own substitute insterest % DEC3_2
EEKAPTP2 CEA: Compensated own fund repayment % DEC3_2
EEKAPZP2 CEA: Expenses own substitute insterest % DEC3_2
VERW_WOHN CEA: Administration costs number of apartments DEC3
VERW_GARA CEA: Administration costs Garage no. DEC3
MIET_GWPR CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. DEC3_2