DUMMY_INCL_EEW_COBL | Custom Fields: Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | | |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | |
MAPPE | Group name: Batch input session name | CHAR12 | |
IBELN | Internal doc.number | NUM9 | |
IBELZ | Internal doc.number | NUM9 | |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
BELNR | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | |
SGTXT | Text Field | TEXT50 | |
UMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
ZUMSK | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
ZUONR | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
BSCHL | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
BVTYP | Partner bank type | BVTYP | |
BWKEY | Valuation area | BWKEY | |
BWTAR | Valuation Type | BWTAR | |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
ANBWA | Asset Transaction Type | BWASL | |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | |
ABPER | Posting period in the form YYYYMM | BUPER | |
MABER | Dunning Area | MABER | |
MANSP | Dunning Block | MANSP | |
MSCHL | Dunning Key | MSCHL | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
KURSR | Hedged Exchange Rate | KURSP | |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
FILKD | Account Number of the Branch | MAXKK | |
FDGRP | Planning Group | FDGRP | |
FDLEV | Planning Level | FDLEV | |
HZUON | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
HKONT | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | |
HBKID | Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | |
DBKEY | Database key memory | DBKEY | |
BLART | Document Type | BLART | |
REBZG | Document No. of the Invoice to Which the Transaction Belongs | BELNR | |
LIFNR | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
NAME1 | Employee's last name | NAME | |
NAME2 | Employee's last name | NAME | |
NAME3 | Employee's last name | NAME | |
NAME4 | Employee's last name | NAME | |
STCD1 | Tax Number 1 | STCD1 | |
STCD2 | Tax Number 2 | STCD2 | |
PSTLZ | Postal Code | PSTLZ | |
PSTL2 | Postal Code | PSTLZ | |
PSKTO | PO Bank Current Acct No. or Building Society Ref. No. | PSKTO | |
PFACH | PO Box | PFACH | |
ORT01 | Data Element Type CHAR Length 35 | CHAR35 | |
STRAS | Data Element Type CHAR Length 35 | CHAR35 | |
REGIO | Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | |
BKONT | Bank Control Key | BKONT | |
BANKS | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
BANKN | Bank account number | BANKN | |
BANKL | Bank Number | BANKL | |
LAND1 | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
EMPFG | Payment Recipient Code | EMPFG | |
DTAWS | Instruction Key for Data Medium Exchange | DTAWS | |
POPTS | Real Estate Option Rate | POPTSATZ | |
SWENR | Business Entity Number | SWENR | |
SGENR | Building Number | SGENR | |
SGRNR | Land Number for BE | SGRNR | |
SMENR | Number of Rental Unit | SMENR | |
SNKSL | Service Charge Key | SNKSL | |
SEMPSL | Settlement Unit | SEMPSL | |
SBERI | Correction item number | SBERI | |
VERTN | Contract Number | RANL | |
VBEWA | Flow Type | SBEWART | |
DEPOT | Securities Account | RLDEPO | |
ZLSCH | Payment Method | ZLSCH | |
ZLSPR | Payment Block Key | ZAHLS | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
SAMNR | Invoice List Number | SAMNR | |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | |
RKLAMMER | Classification Number for Finance Projects | RANL | |
AUGLINFO | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
AUGLZLSPR | Payment Block Key | ZAHLS | |
REBZZ | Line Item in the Relevant Invoice | BUZEI | |
REBZJ | Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo) | GJAHR | |
XBLNR | Reference Document Number | XBLNR1 | |
PERNR | Personnel Number | PERNR | |
RVZBLG | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key | ZTERM | |
SVWNR | Management Contract Number | VVSVWNR | |
NEWBK | Company Code for the Next Line Item | BUKRS | |
AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | BELNR | |
REBZT | Follow-On Document Type | REBZT | |
INTRENO | Internal Real Estate Master Data Code | VVINTRENO | |
MANST | Dunning Level | MAHNS | |
ZE_KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
ZE_PARTNER | Partner number | SPARTNR | |
ZE_BVTYP | Bank type of alternative payer | BVTYP | |
VBUND | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
XREF1 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
LZBKZ | State Central Bank Indicator | LZBKZ | |
LANDL | Supplying Country/Region | LAND1 | |
GJAHR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | |
US_MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
US_TXINT | Indicator: tax item - RE internal entry | CHAR1 | |
US_TAXIT | Indicator: Tax Item | CHAR1 | |
US_KTOSL | Transaction Key | CHAR3 | |
UNKA_STAX | Indicator: Tax item - internal entry RE (SCS) | CHAR1 | |
UNKA_KTOSL | Transaction Key | CHAR3 | |
RE_AWTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
RE_AWREF | Reference document number | AWREF | |
RE_AWORG | Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
RE_POSNR | Accounting Document Line Item Number | POSNR_ACC | |
RE_KSCHL | Condition Type | KSCHL | |
FCVAL | Indicator: Line Item Contains Foreign Currency Valuation | CHAR1 | |
XREF1_HD | Reference Key 1 Internal for Document Header | CHAR20 | |
XREF2_HD | Reference Key 2 Internal for Document Header | CHAR20 | |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |