
C/I: Global Settings | #masterdata | Component: Business Consolidation
Column Name Description
AREA FK Consolidation Area
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
INVVAL Location of Values - Investments Show values
EQUVAL Location of Values - Equity Show values
EQIVAL Location of Values - Equity Method Show values
COILV Calculation Base for Consolidation of Investments Show values
PUACHK Check Push-down Goodwill Show values
ESHFLG Net Display of Statement of Stockholders' Equity Show values
NINVFLG Allow Negative Investments Show values
NMINFLG No Calculation of Minority Interest Show values
ODAIND Difference from Legacy Data Transfer in Indirect Activities Show values
GWTBEGFLG Goodwill Currency Translation at Beginning of Period Show values
GWTPYOC Goodwill in Local Currency: Translation Prior Years for OC Show values
GWABG Start of Amortization of New Goodwill Show values
GWARFLG Amortization of New Goodwill over Remaining Life Show values
GWALFLG Limit for Amortization of Goodwill Show values
GWAMETH Amortization Method Show values
GWRBG Start of Periodic Reduction of New Goodwill Show values
GWRRFLG Reduce New Goodwill over Its Remaining Life Show values
GWRLFLG Limit for Periodic Reduction of Goodwill Show values
GWRMETH Amortization Method Show values
NGABG Start of Amortization of New Negative Goodwill Show values
NGARFLG Amortize New Negative Goodwill over Remaining Useful Life Show values
NGALFLG Limit for Amortization of Negative Goodwill Show values
NGAMETH Amortization Method Show values
NGRBG Start of Reduction of New Negative Goodwill Show values
NGRRFLG Reduce New Negative Goodwill over Its Remaining Useful Life Show values
NGRLFLG Limit for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill Show values
NGRMETH Amortization Method Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ODAYR Fiscal Year of Legacy Data Transfer NUMC4
ODAPE Period of Legacy Data Transfer NUMC3
ODAACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
HISTPOST_RFSID FIN Master Data: SID of Field Names UG_SID
MINADJ_RFSID FIN Master Data: SID of Field Names UG_SID
MINADJ_RVSID FIN Master Data: Surrogate ID UG_SID
XRINDGWBS Goodwill in LC: Exchange Rate Indicator for Balance Sheet UC_XRIND
XRINDGWIS Goodwill in LC: Exchange Rate Indicator for Income Statement UC_XRIND
CTKEYGWIS Goodwill in LC: Currency Translation Key - Income Statement UC_CTR_CTKEY
GWAYR Life of Goodwill Amortization in Years NUMC2
GWAPE Life of Goodwill Amortization in Periods NUMC3
GWAPCNT Percentage Rate of Amortization UC_PCNT38
GWRYR Life of Periodic Reduction of Goodwill in Years NUMC2
GWRPE Life of Periodic Reduction of Goodwill in Periods NUMC3
GWRPCNT Percentage Rate of Amortization UC_PCNT38
NGAYR Life of Amortization of Negative Goodwill in Years NUMC2
NGAPE Life of Amortization of Negative Goodwill in Periods NUMC3
NGAPCNT Percentage Rate of Amortization UC_PCNT38
NGRYR Life of Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill in Years NUMC2
NGRPE Life of Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill in Periods NUMC3
NGRPCNT Percentage Rate of Amortization UC_PCNT38
GWAACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC1M GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC1BG GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC1CY GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC2 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC2BG GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC2CY GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC3 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC4 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC5 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC6 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWAACC7 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWDACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWDACC1M GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWDACC2 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWDACC3 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWDACC4 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC1M GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC1BG GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC1CY GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC2 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC3 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC4 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC5 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
GWRACC6 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC1M GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC1BG GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC1CY GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC2 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC2BG GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC2CY GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC3 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC4 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC5 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC6 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGAACC7 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGDACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGDACC1M GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGDACC2 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGDACC3 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGDACC4 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC1 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC1M GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC1BG GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC1CY GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC2 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC3 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC4 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC5 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NGRACC6 GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
CLREQUACC GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
CLRMINACC GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
NINVRESACC GUID to Identify Posting Rule SYSUUID_22
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Consolidation Area
  • Consolidation Area
  • Client
Client UCF6020.MANDT == T000.MANDT