Product type | TZ40.GSART == TZPA.GSART TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TZPA.MANDT
Accepted value currency - ?
- Currency of accepted value_FISO
| TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TCURC.MANDT TZ40.SAWHR == TCURC.WAERS
Settlement currency - ?
- Settlement or cover provision currency (Regulat. reporting)
| TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TCURC.MANDT TZ40.SMWWHR == TCURC.WAERS
New assets - ?
- Asset group R11/76, appendix 3 and 4
- ?
| TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TZ18.MANDT TZ40.SNEU_ANL == TZ18.SNEU_ANL TZ40.[column in domain "RANTYP"] == TZ18.RANTYP
Stock ind. | TZ40.SSKZB == TZ11.SSKZB TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TZ11.MANDT
Stck.ind. tax off. - Tax office stock indicator
- ?
| TZ40.SSKZF == TZ13.SSKZF TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TZ13.MANDT
Division - ?
- Insurance Line of Business Indicator
| TZ40.[column in domain "MANDT"] == TW05.MANDT TZ40.SUDEC == TW05.SUDEC
R5/97_03 - Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
- Indicator for circular R5/97 appendix 3 and 4
| TZ40.XLAND == TZ36.XLAND TZ40.X_R97_03 == TZ36.X_R97_03
R5/97_05 - Indicator for R5/97 appendix 5
- Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
| TZ40.X_R97_05 == TZ37.X_R97_05 TZ40.XLAND == TZ37.XLAND
R5/97_08 - Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
- Indicator for R5/97 appendix 8
| TZ40.XLAND == TZ38.XLAND TZ40.X_R97_08 == TZ38.X_R97_08
R5/97_10_1 - Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
- Asset Type According to Regulatory Accounting Requirements
- Indicator for R5/97 appendix 10
| TZ40.XLAND == TZ39B.XLAND TZ40.SAART == TZ39B.SAART TZ40.X_R97_101 == TZ39B.X_R97_10
R5/97_10_2 - Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
- Asset Type According to Regulatory Accounting Requirements
- Indicator for R5/97 appendix 10
| TZ40.XLAND == TZ39B.XLAND TZ40.SAART == TZ39B.SAART TZ40.X_R97_102 == TZ39B.X_R97_10
R5/97_10_3 - Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
- Asset Type According to Regulatory Accounting Requirements
- Indicator for R5/97 appendix 10
| TZ40.XLAND == TZ39B.XLAND TZ40.SAART == TZ39B.SAART TZ40.X_R97_103 == TZ39B.X_R97_10
R5/97_10_4 - Country Variant for Regulatory Reporting
- Asset Type According to Regulatory Accounting Requirements
- Indicator for R5/97 appendix 10
| TZ40.XLAND == TZ39B.XLAND TZ40.SAART == TZ39B.SAART TZ40.X_R97_104 == TZ39B.X_R97_10