Startup: List of programs to be started | #other | Component: ABAP Syntax, Compiler, Runtime
Column Name Description
PFNAME Name of a profile
PROGNR Startup: Order number of the program to be started
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
LOCALE System start; Location where a program is started. TEXT8
PROGRM System start; Program to be started TEXT40
SYSTEMNR System start; SAP system number of the program to be started NUM02
SYSTEMNAME System start; SAP system name of the program to be started CHAR3
PROFILE System start; Profile name of the program to be started TEXT40
HOST Systemstart; Host, to which a program connects. TEXT8
CMDARGS Startup; Other command line parameters in a program TEXT40
USERNAME Startup; User name, under which program is started. TEXT12
PASSWORD Startup; Password of startup user of a program TEXT20